WILLIAM Traylor 1733 - 1791

compiled by Linda Sparks Starr February 2008

LSS note: My estimate for birth years for William's children is based on the order the legatees were named within the 1803 Halifax County, Virginia lawsuit. The assumption legatees were listed "oldest to youngest" is partially confirmed by the first appearance of males on the Wilkes County, Georgia tax rolls. "Except for 1795 ... all free white males 21 to 60 who owned no land or slaves [regardless of marital status and living arrangements] was recorded by name as a poll" in the tax record. [Hudson p. 19] Ages of the four youngest children is based on the Wilkes and Oglethorpe County, Georgia guardian records. My estimate for year of marriage was based on the ages and number of children in households appearing on the 1800 Oglethorpe Co. GA census.

Links from birth entries for each of William's children leads to time lines that contain more specific information about each of them. Other links take one to images of original court records. My special thanks to Tammy Clemons for sharing images from the Halifax County, Virginia Chancery records. Two Chancery suits, each containing numerous pages, are involved: Bradshaw vs Thomas Traylor, administrator of William Traylor dec'd and as one with the other Legatees of William Traylor and Thomas Traylor vs Other Legatees of William Traylor. The archivist volunteer who copied these for Tammy didn't provide the specific book and page numbers where these records were found. Citations found within this time line come from notes taken at the courthouse by Johnella Sparks Boynton. At the time of her visit, making copies of the original records was not permitted. Images of Georgia records are from my own collection, copied for me by a researcher at the Archives. Revolutionary Muster rolls were shared by Cal Traylor and others.


1733 June 12 birth in Bristol Parish, Virginia, William son of Edward and Mary Traylor [p. 376 Chamberlayne] LSS note: My conclusion William of Halifax Co. VA and Wilkes Co. GA is the same person as William born 1733 is based on these additional records. Several Virginia Patent Records show Edward & Mary lived on Mawhipponock Creek in Prince George Co. before 1735, date when Edward received his land grant. This area was then included in the bounds of Bristol Parish. Edward and Mary, residents of Prince George County, Virginia, sold land in then Chesterfield County in 1750. Dinwiddie County, including the entire Creek called Whipponock today, was formed from a portion of Prince George County in 1752. William Traylor was "of Dinwiddie County" when he purchased a tract in Halifax County, Virginia in 1780.

1757-1758 estimated year of marriage William Traylor and wife, name unknown, probably in Dinwiddie County, Virginia.

1759-1761 estimated birth year Thomas Traylor, son of William, probably in Dinwiddie County, Virginia

1760-1762 estimated birth year Elizabeth Traylor, daughter of William, probably in Dinwiddie Co.

1763 estimated birth year William Traylor, son of William, probably in Dinwiddie Co., Virginia.

1765 estimated birth year Sarah Traylor, daughter of William, probably in Dinwiddie County, Virginia.

1766 estimated birth Randolph Traylor, son of William, probably in Dinwiddie County, Virginia.

1768-1769 estimated birth year Hiram Traylor, son of William, probably in Dinwiddie Co. Virginia

1770 February 6 birth Champion Travis Traylor, son of William, [family records] probably in Dinwiddie County, Virginia

1771 estimated birth year Paschal Traylor, son of William, probably in Dinwiddie Co. Virginia

1774-1775 estimated birth year Edward Traylor, son of William, probably in Dinwiddie County, Virginia.

1776-1777 estimated birth year Mary "Polly" Traylor, daughter of William, probably in Dinwiddie County, Virginia

1776-1778 two William Traylors served in the 5th VA Rgmt Continental Line, Capt. Ralph Falkner's Co. commanded by Lt. Col. Josiah Parker. They wintered at Valley Forge with Gen. Washington. LSS note: Muster and pay rolls indicate the elder of the two died early 1777 while the younger William was discharged Feb. 1778 after serving his two year enlistment period.

1778 May 21 Joel Salmon of Halifax Co. to William Taylor (sic) for £20, tract on Lawson's Creek, Wiley's line, Andrew Boyd's line. (no witnesses) [JSB notes] LSS note: This possibly should read Traylor for William owned a tract on Lawson's Creek. However, there appears to be a William Taylor in the county, so one has to be very careful.

1778-1780 estimated birth year Frances Traylor, daughter of William. LSS note: This estimate is more precise than most. Guardian Account records indicate she was born no earlier than October 1778 and her younger sister's known birth (early 1782) sets a limit in the other direction as well.

1780 June 15 Edwin Garlington of Halifax Co. Virginia to William Traylor of Dinwiddie County, VA for £3000 pounds tobacco, 592 acres on Butterhames Camp Branch, bounded by William Smith's corner ... being land Garlington purchased of Roger Atkerson .... No witnesses. [Halifax Co. VA Deed Bk 12 (1778-1782) p. 40 per T.L.C.]

1782 March 3 Roger Atkinson to John West ... head branches of Butrams Camp Br., bounded by Wm Gilburt, Joseph Store, Mr. Tralor, James Poyner ... wit: John Graves, W. Lawson, Edwin Garlington, Rubin Graves. [Halifax Co. Deed Bk 12 p. 346 per T.L.C.]

1782 March 30 birth Mildred "Milly" Traylor, daughter of William. [Family record] LSS note: Although a daughter gives North Carolina as her mother's birth place, Milly was most likely born in Halifax County, Virginia.

1782 August 15 Appraisal estate James Poyner returned to court; appraisers William Traylor, William Salmon, Joel Salmon. [Halifax Co. VA Will Bk 1 p. 413] LSS note: The widow of James Poyner was Frances "Fannie," named daughter within the 1791 Halifax Co. VA will of Edward Traylor, along with her children: Thomas, John and Sally. The relationship between William and Edward is unknown.

1782 December 26 marriage James Brooks and Elizabeth Traylor in Caswell County, North Carolina. John H. Simpson bondsman (or witness). [Kendall]

1783 Halifax Co. VA Tax List: William Traylor, 1 white male, 1 slave over 16, 6 slaves under 16; 3 horses, 14 cattle. With prop: Will, Jenny, Jude, Amy, Cudger, Lewis, Rose. [T.L.C. p. 39]

1783 November 4 John Banks, Sarah Banks, Marmaduke Stanfield and William Traylor of Halifax Co. VA give bond of £2000 to John Chappell ... Said John Banks and Sarah Banks widow and relict of Thomas Banks, late dec'd, have this day sold ... 350 acres, being the same land whereon said John and Sarah now dwell, and the said Thomas in his lifetime, did dwell. If said John Banks, Sarah Banks, Marmaduke Stanfield and William Traylor shall convey, free of all dower rights ... this bond to be void. /s/ John Banks, Sarah (x) Banks, Marmaduke Stanfield, William Traylor. Wit: Rich'd Bradshaw, Edwin Garlington, Jno. Dickie. [Halifax Co. VA Deed Bk 13 p. 18; JSB Notes: Grantor/Grantee Index shows Wm Traylor as grantor.] LSS note: Marmaduke Stanfield is a brother-in-law of the dec'd Thomas Banks. The question is: "Why was William Traylor involved?" William's daughter married the above John Banks, but before or after this deed is not known.

1783-1784 estimated year of marriage Sarah Traylor, daughter of William, and John Banks, son of Thomas and Sarah. The place of marriage depends on date and circumstances. Several couples from Halifax Co. VA were married in neighboring Caswell Co. North Carolina, but no record has been located. They may have married in Georgia.

1784 May 20 William Traylor Sr. sold 350 acres to John Chappell [per Grantor Index; recorded Deed Bk 13 p. 1-B]

1784 Halifax Co. VA Tax List: William Traylor, 1 white male, 3 slaves over 16; 4 slaves under 16; 3 horses, 19 cattle with prop: Will, Sall, Jude, Cuze, Amy, Rose, Rose [T.L.C. p. 90]

1784 October 5 Wilkes Co. GA: Estate Abner Fargerson dec'd appraised by Miles Duncan, Wm Traylor and John Banks. [Davidson, vol. II p. 225]

1785 William Traylor with 8 white souls appears in Halifax Co. VA list. [Family Puzzlers]

1785 Wilkes Co. GA Tax List: William Trailer 200 acres (2nd class) and 450 acres (3rd class) in Capt. Elsberry's District. [Hudson, vol. I, p. 41; Davidson, vol. II p. 34] John Banks 250 acres (2nd Class) and 750 acres 3rd class. Richard Banks 250 acres (3rd class).

1785 estimated marriage year for William Traylor (son of William) and Esther (surname unknown.) LSS note: some researchers give BANKS as her surname, but BUCKLEY is a middle name used among descendants. This family is very closely associated with Winnefred "Winney" Hamilton, widow of George.

1786 July 13 marriage Thomas Traylor and Phoebe Fergison in Halifax County, VA by Rev. James Watkins. LSS note: Although most report this is the son of William, no record in Georgia provides us the given name of Thomas' first wife. Another Thomas Traylor, who could be the groom, appears in Halifax County, VA records. But the name of his wife isn't known either.

1786 Wilkes Co. GA Capt. Ellsberry's Dist: William Traylor 650 acres and 8 slaves; William Traylor Jr. 200 acres. [Hudson vol. I, p. 114-116]

1786 November 6 Georgia Land Grant Warrant #270 for 200 acres assigned to William Traylor by John Talbot. [Traylor manuscript; Family Puzzlers 27 Ju_, 1968 #35] LSS note: This grant does not appear in Lucas under "Traylor." (I didn't check this course for a grant to Talbot.) Lamar & Rothstein show William Trailer received bounty land for service in Rev. War in Franklin Co. GA 1790-1795 along with Matthew Sparks Jr. and William Sparks. Also William Trailer received land in Wilkes Co. at the same time. Hudson's tax lists show William Traylor JR was taxed on only 200 acres in Wilkes Co. in 1786. Then in 1787 he was taxed on 200 acres in Franklin Co. and for the same 200 acres in Wilkes County. The only headright grant for William Traylor that Lucas picks up is for 13 1/2 acres in Oglethorpe Co. 1803 [Bk EEEEE p. 549]

1787 January 3 Robert Ferguson of Guilford Co. North Carolina to William Traylor of Wilkes Co. GA for £25, 650 acres branch of Long Creek adjacent John Owen & George Hamilton, all other sides vacant. /s/ Robert Farguson. Wit: Randolph Traylor, Middleton Brooks, Andw. O'Kelley. [Wilkes Co. Deed Bk CC 1787 p. 77 per Farmer p. 56]

1787 January 30 William Traylor Sr. of Wilkes Co. GA to John Salmon of Halifax Co. VA for £60 current money of VA 92 acres in Halifax Co. VA on the north side Butram Camp Branch ... Boyd's line ... John Salmon's line, thence along Poyner's line to the Rocky Br. Also reversions. /s/ William Traylor. Wit: John Compton, Edwd Buckley, James Hill. [Halifax Co. VA Deed Bk 14 p. 178 -- JSB notes]

1787 Wilkes Co. Tax List, Capt. Bailey's Dist: William Traylor 650 acres and 8 slaves; William Jr. 200 acres in Wilkes Co. and 200 acres in Franklin Co.; Randolph Traylor no property. [Hudson vol. I, p. 127]

1787 December 3 Roger Atkinson of Dinwiddie to William Wood ... on Jeremiah's fork of Lawson Cr, .... bounded by William Traylor, Poyner, John Salmon, Thomas Banks, Joseph Garlington, Edward Garlington & John West. [Halifax Co. Deed Bk 13 p. 219 per Peggy Thompson]

1788 November 22 William Traylor Sr. of Wilkes Co. GA to Richard (William) Bradshaw for £75, about 192 acres in Halifax Co. VA on Butrom Creek, a fork of Lawsons Creek, bounded by the mouth of Bradshaws Spring Br., Poynor, John West and Sloe's line. /s/ William (+) Traylor. Wit: Randolph Buckley, William Traylor Jr., Thos. Traylor, Epinetus Winders. [Halifax Co. Deed Bk 13 p. 445]

1788 estimated year of marriage Randolph Traylor and Edy Sparks. LSS note: Her father was Matthew Sparks Sr. d. 1793 in Wilkes Co. GA

1789 June 22 Henry Hobson Jr. of Halifax Co. to Lipscomb Ragland of same ... on South branches of Lawson's Creek bounded by William Traylor, Lipscomb Ragland, Chambers, Thomas Stanfield, John Link & John Graves. [Halifax Co. Deed Bk 13 p. 456 per PT] LSS note: One Thomas Stanfield married Elizabeth Banks, sister of Thomas died 1775 Halifax Co. VA.

1789 October 15 James Hart to Michael Moore, both of Wilkes Co. GA ... north branch of Long Creek called Little Troublesome, adj. N by William Traylor, W by formerly Hemphill, all other sides by said James Hart ... part of 400 acres granted to Hart May 13, 1787. [Wilkes Co. GA Deed Bk HH p. 247; Farmer p. 220]

1789 December 30 John West of York Co. South Carolina to Reuben West of Caroline Co. VA ... on waters of Butram Br. bounded by William Loftis, Edward Garlington, Richard Bradshaw & William Traylor. [Halifax Co. VA Deed Bk 13 p. __ per PT]

1790 September (several deeds) Milly Mann to Joseph Cook, both of Wilkes Co. GA, witnessed by And. Frazier, Wm Traylor, Edmd. Graves. [Wilkes Co. Deed Bk HH pages 123-130; Farmer p. 207-8]

1791 January 29 William Traylor served on the Grand Jury for Wilkes Co. [Davis]

1791 May 1 death in Wilkes Co. GA William Traylor Sr. [Halifax Co. VA Chancery records, Thomas Traylor vs other Legatees]

1791 Wilkes Co. Tax List, Capt. Patton's District: Hiram Trailer, Mathew Sparks, John Banks, Thomas Trailer, James Brooks, Randolph Traylor (1000 acres in Franklin Co.), Dunstan Banks (minor) with 283 acres listed between Richard Banks (396 acres) and James Banks (no property) [Hudson vol. I, p. 310-311] LSS note: Neither William Traylor is on this list. It was probably compiled after William Sr's death, but where was William Jr.? I am not a BANKS researcher and since another group of "near BANKS cousins using the same given names" lived in northeastern Georgia, I won't attempt to identify the above.

1791 August 7 Wilkes Co. Court: Thos. Traylor was appointed administrator William Traylor estate; Baswell Bridges signed the security bond with Thomas. The estate, consisting of 13 slaves, horse and household goods, was appraised August 19 by W. Strother, Thos. Kennerly, Jas. Hay. [Davidson vol. II p. 296] LSS note: According to the index of Will Books, William's will was filed in Will Book 1, but the book was destroyed. A researcher, hired by LSS to search Wilkes Co. record in the GA Archives for this inventory and appointment, was unable to find these records. A search in the Court House is needed.

1792 October 31 Edward Traylor, orphan of William Traylor, chooses Randolph Traylor guardian; Mary Traylor chooses John Banks; Frances Traylor chooses James Brooks, and he is appointed by the court guardian of Milley Traylor, all orphans of William Traylor dec'd. [Davidson p. 125 who cites Wilkes Co. GA Minutes of Inferior Court 1792-1793 p. 42.] LSS note: Security bond of $500 each was required per copy of original document in my possession. [Administrators, Executors and Guardian Returns Bk p. 31 (per Index). ] LSS note: Minors could choose their own guardians when 14 years old.

1794 June 4 Oglethorpe Co. GA: Frances and Milly Traylor, orphans and daughters of William dec'd, petition that James Brooks be appointed their guardian. [NGS p. 74 abstracted by J. H. Hill]

1795 July 6 marriage Pascal Traylor and Milly Anglin / Angle in Oglethorpe Co. GA [Peel]

1795 November 31 marriage Edward Traylor and Annie Banks in Oglethorpe Co. GA [Peel]

1797 before this year marriage Dunston Banks and Mary "Polly" Traylor in Oglethorpe Co.

1795 or 1797 August 15 marriage Champion Travis Traylor and Sarah Jones. LSS note: Transcriptions of two family Bible records differ on the year. They probably married in either Oglethorpe or Jackson County.

1799 July 25 marriage Mildred Traylor and Thomas O'Banion in Oglethorpe Co. GA

1799 August 2 date of will Pascal Traylor of Oglethorpe Co. GA naming wife Milly, son Reubin and an expected child. Witnesses were William Traylor, James Brooks, Champion T. Traylor. [Oglethorpe Co. Will Bk A p. 87; PT transcription]

1802 April 5: Legatees of William Traylor dec'd were ordered to appear before the Halifax Co. VA Chancery Court the 4th Monday in May next to answer a bill in Chancery exhibited against them by Richard Bradshaw. [Clemons: Halifax Co. VA Chancery Suits involving the legatees of William Traylor.]

1802 August Court Halifax Co. VA: Richard Bradshaw vs legatees of William Traylor for deficiency of 50 acres in tract sold 1788. [Halifax Co. VA Pleas Bk 21 p. 105 transcribed by JSB] 12 legatees are named in the suit: Thomas, administrator & legatee; James Brooks who intermarried with Betsey; William; John Banks who intermarried with Sarah; Randolph; Hiram; Champion T.; Edward; Dunston Banks who intermarried with Polly; Allen Spurlock who intermarried with Frances; and Thomas Banyan who intermarried with Milly, heirs and legatees of William Traylor deceased and Reuben and Paskil Traylor, heirs and legatees of Paskel Traylor dec'd, who was son of William.

1803 November Court: Commissioners found for the plaintiff [Bradshaw] and proceeded to mark off 50 acres "beginning at pointers in Lipscomb Ryland's line ... mouth of Poyner's Spring Branch and Poyner's line." [Halifax Co. Pleas Bk 22 p. 116-117; JSB]

1803 November Court: Thomas Traylor vs "remaining" Legatees of William Traylor --apparently friendly suit to force sale of the remaining 358 acres belonging to the estate of William Traylor. See case file documents  herehere, and  here. The tract was sold for "8 shillings per acre" amounting to a total 143 pounds 4 shillings to the highest bidder, Lipscomb Ragland. [Halifax Co. Pleas Bk 22 p. 129-30 JSB]



The Vestry Book and Register of Bristol Parish, Virginia 1720-1789 by Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne, reprint 1998 Heritage Books, Bowie, Maryland.

1800 Census Oglethorpe County, Georgia transcribed by Mary B. Warren, published by Heritage Papers.

Caswell County, North Carolina Marriage Bonds 1778-1868 transcribed by Katharine K. Kendall.

Halifax County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1791 by T.L.C. Genealogy, Miami Beach, FL 1998.

Notes taken during visits to the Halifax Co. VA Court House by Johnella Sparks Boynton

Halifax County, Virginia Deeds 1778-1784 by T.L.C. Genealogy, Miami Beach, FL

Early Records of Georgia, volumes I and II: Wilkes County by Grace Gillam Davidson, Southern Historical Press, SC reprint 1992.

Wilkes County, Georgia Tax Records 1785-1805 in two volumes, compiled by Frank Parker Hudson, Atlanta, GA 1996.

Traylor Manuscript refers to papers found in the Library of Virginia (and elsewhere) which includes the merging of the reputable research of Lottie Hines with the fraudulent work by Anjou.

Index to Headright to Bounty Grants of Georgia 1756-1909 by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr., 1970, Southern Historical Press, SC. He notes the originals are located in the Surveyors General Office, Archives & Records Building, Secretary of State.

Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer, Dallas, TX 1996

National Genealogical Society Quarterly volume XLI September 1953, #3

Gone to Georgia by William C. Stewart, 1965

Reconstructed 1790 Georgia Census by Marie de Lamar and Elizabeth Rothstein

Transcriptions of original records by Peggy Thompson who posted to the usgenweb county project.

Wilkes County Papers 1773-1833 by Robert S. Davis Jr. Southern Historical Press, SC 1983 reprint

Images of the original Halifax Co. Chancery records shared by Tammy Clemons.

Historical Collections of Joseph Habersham Chapter DAR in three volumes, (1910) edited by Peel; "Marriages 1794-1798" contributed by Miss Prescott.

Images of records from Georgia Archives

The Handybook for Genealogists, ninth edition, Published by The Everton Co., Logan, Utah, 1999


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