CHAMPION TRAVIS Traylor 1770 - 1832

compiled by Linda Sparks Starr February 2008


LSS note: Descendants in this line are fortunate to have access to two family records. Each was supposedly written by one of the parents, but the two don't always agree. We don't know how many times either family record was re-copied by hand before ending up in the repository. The general assumption is, the author of "Sarah Traylor's Copybook" is the same person as Sarah (Jones) Traylor; but, she isn't identified as such. Without the Bible's copyright date, we aren't assured this family record was copied from the record written by Champion T. himself. He wasn't the one who added spouses for some of his children. Copybook entries appear first because I came to that data first when compiling this timeline. Differing and new information from the Bible entry was entered along with the copybook entry; duplicate information was not.

 1770 February 6 birth Champion T. Traylor [McKenney] ] JSB note: Someone added "Travis" as his middle name to this record after the original transcriber. (Born) "Tuesday February 6th 1770." [CTT Bible] LSS note: He was born in Dinwiddie County, Virginia where his father, William, was then living.

1780 May 1 birth Sarah Traylor [McKenney] JSB note: Someone penciled in JONES as her maiden name. "Sarah Jones was born February 1, 1780" [CTT Bible]

1792 Wilkes Co. Georgia Tax List, Capt. Edmond Jordan's Dist: Champion T. Trailer 3 slaves, 100 acres (2nd) 50 acres (3rd class) in Wilkes Co. on Indian Cr. adjacent Russell Jones; 1000 acres (3rd) in Franklin Co. on Broad River. [Hudson p. 386] LSS note: The Wilkes Co. property is probably his inheritance from William; 1000 acres is the same amount and in the same county as Randolph Traylor's holdings. To my knowledge no one has located the official record of the grant, thus reason either of them received it.

1795 August 15 marriage Champion T. Traylor and Sarah [McKenney] LSS note: They probably married in Oglethorpe County, but could be Jackson or area of Franklin Co. that became Jackson Co. February 1796.

1797 August 15 marriage Champion Travis Traylor and Sarah Jones [CTT Bible] Continuing: "Both Families emigrated from Virginia to Georgia. They were married in Georgia."

1797 September 19 Witnesses to Jackson Co. GA deed William Sharks (sic) to Richard Nall were Champion T. Traylor, Martin Nall and Randall Traylor [Maddox]

1798 September 19 William Sharks (sic) to Randolph Traylor 100 acres on Oconee River Teste: Champion T. Traylor, Martin Nall, Paul Patrick Jr. [Maddox]

1799 August 2 witnesses to Oglethorpe Co. GA will Pascal Traylor were William Traylor, James Brooks and Champion T. Traylor. [Oglethorpe Co. Will Bk A p. 87; McRee p. 18; PT transcription]

1799 November 9 birth Polly Traylor [McKenney] She "married John Smith" [CTT Bible]

1799 Jackson Co. GA Tax List, Wood's District: Travis Traylor [PT citing p. 36]

1801 October 12 Champion T. Traylor witness to Jackson Co. deed John Shields to John Evins, land on Big Pond Fork of Oconee River. [Stewart]

1801 December 3 birth Paskal B. Traylor [McKenney] "Paschal B." [CTT Bible]

1801 December 29 Champion T. Traylor of Jackson Co. GA to Edward Traylor of Oglethorpe Co. GA for $400, on Indian Creek adjacent Edward Traylor on SE, Paschal Traylor on NE, Thomas Traylor on N and Isham Davis on NW, granted to Abner Fogerson, 150 acres ... on south Fork of creek ... /s/ C. T. Traylor. Test: James Brooks, Wm Traylor. [Oglethorpe Co. Deeds Bk D p. 452; Farmer p. 270]

1802 Halifax Co. VA Chancery Court, August Session: Richard Bradshaw vs Thomas Traylor, administrator and ... the legatees of William Traylor dec'd. ... (include) Champion T. [Halifax Co. VA Pleas Bk 21, p. 105 JSB]

1803 February 10 Jackson Co. Court of Ordinary: Petition that Charles Wakefield, admr. Henry Summerall dec'd of Wilkes Co. GA, be ordered to give clear title on land on Brushy Creek which Summerall agreed to give by October next under date May 2, 1790. (The original was witnessed by Champion Travis Taylor (sic.) Granted. [Maddox & Carter]

1804 May 6 birth Nancy J. Traylor [McKenney] "May 16, 1804 married J. M. Powell" [CTT Bible]

1805 Champion T. Traylor in Jackson Co. GA drew two blanks in the Georgia Land Lottery [Graham p. 560]

1805 December 24 birth William P. Traylor [McKenney]

1806 July 16 Daniel Clower & Nancy of Jackson Co. GA to Nathaniel Allen of Elbert Co. ... land in Baldwin Co. (recorded in Morgan Co.) wit: W. Penticost, C. T. Traylor JP [Morgan Co. Deeds Bk A p. 399; Farmer p. 48] LSS note: Randolph Co. was created from a portion of Baldwin Co. December 1807; the name was changed to Jasper Co. December 1812. [Everton p. 87]

1807 August 4 birth John Traylor [McKenney]

1809 January 31 Abel Pennington Sr. of Randolph Co. to Isaac Pennington of Jackson Co. GA ... 345 acres granted to John Wood ... on south side of Black / Beach Creek adjacent to Travis Traylor ... [citation not provided by researcher who shared this.]

1809 May 7 birth C. T. Traylor [McKenney]

1810 July 15 Jas. J. Burtheimon to C. T. Traylor [Jasper Co. Index to Deeds 1808-1835; Bk 5 p. 166 JSB]

1810 January 1 Joseph Bayley to C. T. Traylor [Jasper Co. Index to Deeds 1808-1835; Bk 5 p. 163 JSB]

1810 May 7 Personally appeared Elizabeth Croll, Champion T. Traylor and Mary Croll ... James Croll died 12 February ... said he wanted his estate divided among his three children. Traylor said Croll also wanted his mother supported. Widow Mary, plus Hezekiah Lucker and Traylor were to be executors. [Randolph Co. GA Returns 1810, 1811, 1812; Lucas p. 43-44]

1811 January 13 Thomas Dooley Sr. to C. T. Traylor [Jasper Co. Index to Deeds 1808-1835; Bk 4 p. 86; JSB]

1811 January 18 birth Thos. Traylor [McKenney]

1812 April 6 Joshua Reeves to C. T. Traylor [Jasper Co. Index to Deeds 1808-1835; Bk 5 p. 223 JSB]

1813 January 21 birth Samuel Traylor [McKenney]

1815 February 6 birth Sarah Traylor [McKenney] "baptized the same year by S. Myers on April 3rd. Married John Hill. [CTT Bible]

1816 February 10 C. T. Traylor to Josiah Horton for $800, 202 1/2 acres in 16th District, Lot #169, grant made to Andrew Brown 8 Dec 1810. /s/ C. T. Traylor. Witnesses: Ben A. Crawford, John G. Smith JP. Rec'd Feb 27, 1817. [Jasper Co. GA Deed Bk 7 p. 629; JSB]

1816 April 13 Richard Turner of Jasper Co. to C. T. Traylor of same county for $300, tract in the middle half of Lot #215, 19th District of Jasper Co., part of grant made to James Tweedle of Elbert Co. Witnesses: Eaton Banks, John G. Smith JP. Rec. 22 April 1826. [Jasper Co. Deed Bk 7 p. 257; JSB] LSS note: Eaton Banks is the son of John and Sarah (Traylor).

1816 December 19 C. T. Traylor of Jasper to Daniel Doss of same for $4000, lot of land lying in county on waters of Murder Creek, Lot #273, 19th District. /s/ C. T. Traylor. Wit: Sam'l Henderson, John (x) Copling, John G. Smith JP. [Jasper Co. Ga Deed Bk 8 p. 73; JSB]

1817 January 27 birth Josiah Claborn Traylor [McKenney] LSS note: Marriages of presumably this same person appear under the name "Joseph".

1817 April 22 C. T. Traylor to David Alowine [[Jasper Co. Index to Deeds 1808-1835; Bk 8 p. 361 JSB]

1817 April 22 C. T. Traylor to Jno. Connrell [Jasper Co. Index to Deeds 1808-1835; Bk 8 p. 480 JSB]

1818 November 9 C. T. Traylor to J. I. Williams [Jasper Co. Index to Deeds 1808-1835; Bk 8 p. 223; JSB]

1819 February 1 birth James Monroe Traylor [McKenney]

1820 year of move Champion Travis Traylor from Georgia to Perry Co. Alabama [Bible record located vertical files Georgia Archives. JSB]

1820 April 17 Champion T. Trailor listed among the Justices of Perry Co. AL [usgenweb Perry Co. AL]

1822 April 24 birth E. S. Traylor [McKenney] "Emma Traylor was born ___ Married Mr. Heard. She raised one child and died." [CTT Bible]

1822 September 19 marriage Nancy Traylor (daughter C. T. & Sarah) and James Moore Powell in Perry Co. AL [PT]

1827 Thursday before November 29 marriage Paschall Traylor and Mary Ann Harrell, daughter of Gabriel Harrell of this county. [Selma Courier Nov. 29, 1827] JSB note: They were married by James Craig, Esq. Paschall was son of Champion T. and Sarah according to Family Puzzlers.

1827 November 29 Alabama Land Grant to Champion T. Traylor, Perry Co. Receipts #11502 and #11503. [Card Index File at Alabama Archives, Cahaba Land Office. JSB] LSS note: Date comes from Family Puzzler; however, the Land Patents listed at [usgenweb Perry Co. AL] give November 14, 1833 as the date for two grants to Champion T. Traylor, whose death year is recorded as 1832. One grant was for 79.76 acres and the other for 159.825 acres. Both were located 18N 9E, St. Stephens. Could one be to the father and the other to the son? The son was a minor in 1827, but of age in 1833.

1830 Census Perry Co. Alabama: C. T. Traylor had 8 males, 2 females and 20 slaves in his household. [usgenweb Perry Co. AL]

1832 April 4 death in Perry Co. Alabama Champion T. Traylor. LSS note: Date from [usgenweb Perry Co.] I have no documentation for the year of his death, other than it is widely reported as such.

1833 January 23 marriage Thomas Traylor and Eliza Bradford in Perry Co. Alabama [PT]

1833 January 23 marriage Sarah Traylor and James Coleman in Perry Co. AL. They had one son, Thomas, who died age 7. [PT citing Hill]

1833 January 31 Paschal B. Traylor received a land grant in Perry Co. AL, located S6T17R9 and filed Book 304. [Hahn]

1836 October 25 marriage Sarah (Traylor) Coleman and John Hill. They had 11 children. [PT citing Hill]

1837 April 10 Alabama Land Patent to Paschal B. Traylor for 79.91 acres, 18N 9E, St. Stephens [usgenweb Perry Co. AL]

1837 August 2 Alabama Land Patent to Josiah C. Traylor for 40.08 acres, 18N 9E St. Stephens. [usgenweb Perry Co. AL]

1838 July 6 marriage Samuel Traylor and Emily W. Bradford in Perry Co. AL [PT]

1839 May 7 marriage James Traylor and Keziah Bass in Perry Co. AL. [PT]

1839 September 10 marriage Emily/Emma Traylor and George Felix Heard in Perry Co. AL [PT] She died October 10, 1840, in Perry Co. AL.

1840 death Mary "Polly" (Traylor) Smith in Union Parish, Louisiana [Colson]

1840 Perry Co. Alabama Census: James, Samuel, Thomas and Sarah Traylor are found on the same page; John and Leroy H. appear on other pages of the census. [usgenweb Perry Co. AL]

1845 January 19 marriage Joseph Traylor and Jemima Ann Harrison. They had six children. [PT] LSS question: Is this Josiah C.?

1850 death Samuel Traylor in Union Parish, Louisiana [PT]

1850 June 20 marriage (his 2nd) Thomas Traylor and Susan Parham in Union Parish, Louisiana [PT]

1852 January 15 death Thomas Traylor. [PT]

1855 May 3 marriage (his 2nd) Joseph Traylor and Mary Ann Aziek Keith in Jasper Co. Texas. They had seven children. [PT]

1859 July death Paskal B. Traylor, age 58 of dysentery in 4th Ward Morehouse Parish, Lousiana [1860 Mortality Schedule] LSS note: He appears on the Dallas Co. AL 1830 and 1840 censuses and then was in Union Parish, LA in 1850. [PT]

1864 March 16 death Dr. John Traylor at Waverly, Walker Co. Texas. He married Sarah Simpson. [PT]

1865 August 2 death Sarah (Traylor) Coleman Hill in Walker Co. TX [PT citing Hill]

1870 January 10 marriage (his 3rd) Joseph Traylor and Charlotte Sheppard in Jackson Co. Texas. They had three children. [PT]

1877 May death Champion T. Traylor in Walker Co. Texas. He married Martha E. Olds. [PT]

1880 death William P. Traylor in Montgomery Co. Texas. He married Theodocia Hart. [PT]

1881 June 27 death Nancy (Traylor) Powell at Old Waverly, Walker Co. Texas. [PT]

1891 January 14 death Joseph Traylor in Jackson Co., Texas [PT]


Oglethorpe County, Georgia Deed Books A-E 1794-1809 by Michal Martin Farmer, Dallas TX 1999

1805 Georgia Land Lottery: Persons Entitled to Draws compiled by Paul K. Graham, The Genealogy Co., Decatur, GA 2005

Morgan County, Georgia Deed Books A-G 1808-1820 by Michal Martin Farmer, Dallas, TX 2002

Notes taken by Johnella Sparks Boynton during visits to courthouses and archives. JSB

Miscellaneous Records Jackson County, Georgia by Joseph T. Maddox, 2nd edition 1984

Miscellaneous Records of Jackson County, Georgia by Maddox & Carter

Gone to Georgia: Jackson and Gwinnett Counties and Their Neighbors in the Western Migration compiled by William C. Stewart, 1965.

Oglethorpe County, Georgia Abstracts of Wills 1794 - 1903 by Fred W. McRee, Jr., Lexington, GA 2002

Sarah Traylor's Copy Book transcribed by Miss Cornelia McKinney of Huntsville, TX. Copy of family records on file at Georgia Archives. McKinney

Wilkes County, Georgia Tax Records 785-1805 in two volumes, compiled by Frank Parker Hudson, Atlanta, 1996

Transcription of original court records posted to the usgenweb site and also to the Traylor rootsweb list by Peggy Thompson PT

Some Georgia County Records volume 2: Clarke, Jasper, Morgan, Putnam, Oglethorpe and Green Counties compiled by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr., Southern Historical Press, 1977

Bible Record of Champion Travis Traylor "copied from the Testament of C. T. Traylor Sr. by Capt. W. J. Hill." Located by Pam Stone at the Walker Co. Texas Genealogical Society. [CTT Bible]

Eleanor Colson for family data.

Old Cahaba Land Office Records & Military Warrants 1817-1853 by Marily Davis Hahn, revised 1986, Southern Historical Press, Easly, SC

Genealogy of Champion Travis Traylor Sr. and Sarah Traylor, his wife, who was Miss Sarah Jones by Capt. W. J. Hill

The Handybook for Genealogists, ninth edition, Published by The Everton Publishers, Inc., Logan, Utah, 1999


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