ELIZABETH Traylor and James Brooks
compiled by Linda Sparks Starr May 2005
1758 estimated birth year James Brooks
1760-1762 estimated birth year Elizabeth Traylor, daughter of William, in Dinwiddie County, Virginia.
1782 December 26 marriage James Brooks and Elizabeth Traylor in Caswell County, North Carolina. The bondsman or witness was John H. Simpson. [Kendall p. 9]
1783 estimated birth year William Brooks, son of James and Elizabeth. He was probably born in Halifax County, Virginia.
1783 Halifax County, VA Tax List, Marmaduke Stanfield District (includes): Edward Traylor 1 tithe, 2 horses, 4 cattle; James Brooks, 1 tithe, 1 horse, 4 cattle; William Traylor 1 tithe, 1 slave over 16, 6 slaves under 16, 3 horses, 14 cattle; and John Banks 1 tithe, 6 horses, 20 cattle. LSS note: There are too many "James Brooks" in Halifax Co. to say this one is definitely the one who married Elizabeth Traylor. John Banks married another daughter of William Traylor. [T.L.C. p. 38-39]
1786 Survey date for James Brooks' headright of 400 acres in Wilkes Co. Georgia [Book Q 38, YYY 23]
1786 estimated birth year Bevin Brooks, son of James & Elizabeth, probably in Wilkes County, Georgia
1788 October / November 16 birth Sarah Brooks, daughter of James & Elizabeth. [Tombstone or Bible record] She was born in Georgia per 1850 Cass Co. TX census.
1791 March 1 (date of original note) James Brooks to Leroy Pope for 2800 pounds Augusta inspected crop tobacco. He was to pay 1400 pounds by December 1. Jury verdict: James to pay Pope $45.92, trial not dated, but early 1800s. [McRee p. 350]
1791 Wilkes Co. GA Tax List, Capt. Patton's District: James Brooks 200 acres. [Hudson p. 310-311] LSS note: Also on this list Matthew Sparks, John Banks, Thos. Trailer, Hiram Tr___, Randolph Trailer plus two names which were torn away.
1792 Wilkes Co. GA Tax List, Capt. Sander's District: James Brooks 295 acres on Indian Creek, 1 slave. [Hudson p. 372-374] LSS note: The additional 95 acres (between this return and last year's return) and the slave are likely Elizabeth's inheritance from her father's estate.
1792 October 31 James Brooks chosen guardian by Frances Traylor and appointed guardian of Milly Traylor, orphans of William Traylor dec'd. [Minutes of the Wilkes Co. Inferior Court 1792-1793, p. 41] Security bond for each [ink blot] 500 (probably $500 each child)
1792 November 6 James Brooks sat on the Petit Jury for Wilkes County, GA. [Davis p. 131]
1793 Wilkes Co. Tax List, Capt. Sander's District: James Brooks 1 slave, 200 acres on Indian Creek. [Hudson p. 500-502]
1793 James Brooks Headright grant 400 acres [Book Q,38, YYY 23]
1794 April 15 James and Elizabeth Brooks to Middleton Brooks for £200, 200 acres on Millstone Creek, waters of Broad River. /s/ James (x) Brooks, Elizabeth (x) Brooks. Wit: Charles (x) McCartney, William Hitchcock. [Oglethorpe Co. Deed Bk A p. 68; Farmer p. 9] LSS note: When Middleton sold 100 acres of this tract, he identified it as part of the original grant to James Brooks in 1793.
1794 June 4 Oglethorpe Co. Guardian Records: Frances and Milly Traylor, orphans of William, choose James Brooks their guardian. [Hill p. 74; McRee p. 132]
1794 January 4 birth Paschal Brooks, son of James & Elizabeth. [non-contemporary Bible entry] LSS note: He was born in Oglethorpe or Jackson County, Georgia.
1796 John McConnell to James Brooks [Jackson Co. GA Deed Bk A&B, p. 83 JSB]
1797 October 18 Richard Reynolds to James Brooks, both of Oglethorpe Co., for £45, 100 acres on Long Creek waters ... Witness: Spencer Reynolds, Green Reynolds. [Oglethorpe Deed Bk D p. 395; Farmer p. 256]
1798 July 24 birth James Brooks, son of James & Elizabeth. [? tombstone or non-contemporary Bible record]
1798 Oglethorpe Co. Tax List: James Brooks [group]
1799 June James Brooks and George Hudspeth appointed road overseers from "James Brooks down to the furnace road and [they to] devide the distance between themselves." [McRee p. 176]
1799 September 17 James Brooks to James Spurlock, both of Oglethorpe Co., for $250, 100 acres on Long Creek waters /s/ James (j) Brooks. Witness: Samuel Whitehead, Christopher Hails. [Oglethorpe Co. Deed Bk D p. 365; Farmer p. 249] LSS note: Last contact I had with SPURLOCK researchers, they didn't know the relationship between this James and Allen who married Frances Traylor. The mark used by James Brooks who married Elizabeth Traylor was a "backwards B" suggesting this is not the subject of this Time Line. But all records indicate there was only one James in Oglethorpe Co. at this time.
1799 Oglethorpe Co. Inferior Court: Leroy Pope vs James Brooks appeal; defendant prays appeal; granted with Allen Spurlock security. [McRee p. 177] LSS note: Allen Spurlock married Frances Traylor who chose James Brooks her guardian.
1799 Oglethorpe Co. GA Tax List, Capt. John C. Evan's District: James Brooks 100 acres, land on Long Creek, 2 slaves. [group] LSS note: This was the only James Brooks in Oglethorpe Co. this year.
1800 Oglethorpe Co. GA Census: James Brooks 20100-20100-3 LSS note: The adults are between 16-26 and the four children (two each) are all under ten. Researchers agree the age for the adults errs IF this is James and Elizabeth, but there should be two sons in the 10-16 age category living with them. Did James and Elizabeth move to Jackson County at the same time another family, headed by "a James Brooks," move into Oglethorpe County?
1800 Oglethorpe Co. GA Tax List, Capt. Joseph Warter's District: James Brooks. [group] LSS note: This district is on the other side of the county from where James and Elizabeth are usually found.
1801 January 22 Final return James Brooks as guardian for Traylor orphans. [Oglethorpe Co. Court records.]
1801 Oglethorpe Co. GA Tax List, Capt. Joseph Waters District: James Brooks and the next name on the list is Henry Pope. [group]
1801 December 29 Witnesses to deed Champion T. Traylor of Jackson Co. GA to Edward Traylor of Oglethorpe, for land on Indian Creek in Oglethorpe Co., were James Brooks and Wm. Traylor. [Oglethorpe Co. Deed Bk D p. 452; Farmer p. 270]
1802 June 19: Bethany Baptist Church (Oglethorpe Co. GA) James Brooks Dismissal Letter. [group] LSS note: This is a good indication he was moving or had already moved to Jackson County. Did he wait until he found another church before asking for this letter?
1804 James Brooks in Jackson County, Georgia [Tax Digest -- group]
1804 estimated marriage year William Brooks (son of James & Elizabeth) and ??? LSS note: My personal opinion is, William's wife's name is not known. She is not mentioned in his probate records. As a widow she was entitled to 1/3 of his property. She was not appointed guardian of any of her minor children, either by the court nor chosen by any of them. More importantly all four minor children were living with James and Elizabeth in 1820 and none with her. I think this all adds up to her having died before William. Other researchers give her name Letitia Bickerstaff and say she married again before 1820.
1805 Georgia Lottery: James Brooks in Jackson County drew 2 blanks; James Brooks in Oglethrope County drew two blanks; James Brooks in Washington Co. drew 1 blank. [Graham p. 64] LSS note: the James in Jackson Co. is believed to be the subject of this time line because their daughter, Sarah, married there in 1806.
1806 March 29 marriage Sarah "Sally" Brooks (daughter of James & Elizabeth) and John Sparks in Jackson Co. Georgia. [Jackson Co. Marriage License] LSS note: John is the nephew of Edy Sparks who married Randolph Traylor, brother of Elizabeth (Traylor) Brooks.
1809 March 7 James Strawn of Randolph Co. GA to James Brooks of Jackson Co. GA for $300, 80 acres on waters of Masbury's Creek. Witness: C. T. Traylor, Thomas Hooks. [Jackson Co. Deed Bk E p. 172 JSB]
1809 October 2 James Brooks of Jackson Co. GA to William Henley of same for $300, 87 1/2 acres on Masbury's Creek /s/ James ( ) Brooks. [Jackson Co. Deed Bk F p. 213 JSB]
1810 Jackson County GA Tax List: James Brooks [Tax Digest group]
1811 August 3 David Howe to James Brooks .... 101.25 acres, Lot #99, 14th District.
[Putnam Co. GA JSB] JSB note: James (x) Brooks and Merryman Pounds sold this tract to John Howard in 1820. No indication why or how Pounds is involved.
1812 January 6 James Brooks M.G. married John A. Mapp and Sally Brothers [group]
1813 Putnam Co. GA Tax List: James Brooks 6 slaves, 50 acres on Murders Creek. John Sparks, 150 acres. [JSB or group]
1813-1814 Capt. Jett Thomas' Regiment left Fort Hawkins October 1813 and returned March 1814. Militia members included John Brooks, James Brooks, William Brooks and Paschal Brooks. [group] LSS note: James Brooks (born July 1798 son of James & Elizabeth) was only 15 years old. Some researchers think John Brooks is an unknown son of James & Elizabeth, but neither he nor any of his heirs were mentioned in James' extant estate records.
1814 January death William Brooks (son of James & Elizabeth) probably during the Battle of Calabee Creek in Alabama.
1814 March 7 James Brooks was appointed administrator for the estate of William Brooks dec'd [Putnam Co. GA Probate records group]
1814 estimated marriage year Bevin Brooks (son of James & Elizabeth) and Permelia (surname unknown) LSS note: Marriage is based on the census and Texas land records.
1818 October 29 marriage Paschal Brooks (son of James & Elizabeth) and Belvy Beal.
1820 Putnam Co. GA Census: James Brooks 1 male 10-16; 1 male 26-45; 2 females under 10; 1 female 10-16; 1 female over 45; 7 slaves [p. 108] LSS note: Deceased son William's children are living with them. Researchers agree: James is the male 26-45.
1820 James Brooks sold 50 acres of land in Putnam Co. GA [Putnam Co. Deeds Bk __ JSB or group]
1823 June 19 marriage James Brooks (son of James & Elizabeth) and Sarah Bullard in Jasper Co. GA. [Jasper Co. GA Marriages 1816-1841 p. 45] LSS note: Sarah's brother, Jarmony, married a daughter of James' brother, William dec'd.
1823 November 21 marriage (2nd for him) Paschal Brooks (son of James & Elizabeth) and Sarah Frances Traylor in Jasper Co. GA [Jasper Co. GA Marriages 1816-1841 p. 40] LSS note: We haven't identified her parents.
1826 James Brooks joined the congregation of the Sandy Creek Baptist Church. The church building was located just over the border in Butts County, but James lived in Jasper Co. [Church minutes]
1826 January 18 marriage in Jasper Co. GA Sarah Catherine Brooks (daughter of William dec'd / granddaughter of James & Elizabeth) and Jarmony G. Bullard. [Jasper Co. Marriages 1816-1841 p. 80] LSS note: This is William's eldest daughter; Jarmony was appointed & chosen guardian by her three younger siblings when James Brooks' estate was distributed.
1827 Georgia Land Lottery: James Brooks of Jasper County drew land in Coweta Co., Lot #59 in Section 9. The list shows him a married man and a RW soldier. [group] LSS note: Does this prove Elizabeth was alive when he completed the eligibility form for number of draws?
1828 January 19 James Brooks chosen pastor of Sandy Creek Baptist Church. [Church minutes]
1828 March or April death James Brooks. [Church Minutes] March 14 -- "[agree] to send Brother Brooks" to ordination of deacon April 1st. April 19 set aside as day to choose a new pastor.
1828 July 9 appointment of administraters estate James Brooks -- Paschal Brooks and Beving Brooks with James Brooks Jr. and Robert Bickerstaff signing the security bond with them. [Jasper Co. Minute Bk A p. 208; Administrators Bonds Bk B p. 241; Inventory & Appraisal Wills Bk 9 p. 67-68; Land Annual Return 1833] LSS note: Robert Bickerstaff co-signing security bond for and with sons of the deceased would seem to be a major clue; but what? He supposedly had only two wives, neither of them members of this family.
1828 September On petition of Hiram Brooks, Letitia Brooks and Elizabeth Brooks (minors and orphans of William Brooks dec'd) that wish Jarmany G. Bullard be appointed their guardian, it is therefore ordered that guardian bond of $600 ... and that James Bullard be taken as security. [Jasper Co. GA Minutes Book A p. 213] LSS note: When the estate of James Brooks was distributed, Jarmany accepted three shares for the above as their guardian plus one more share "in right of my wife."
1829 Jasper Co. probate James Brooks mentions expenses for sale of land in Campbell County and also Coweta (now Crawford) County. The Coweta land was his winnings in the 1827 lottery.
1830 September 27 Coweta County: Lot #59, Section 9 granted to James Brooks of Jasper Co. [1827 Lottery]
Caswell County, North Carolina Marriage Bonds 1778-1868 by Katharine K. Kendall, Clearfield Company, Baltimore 1990
Halifax County, Virginia Personal Property Tax Lists 1782-1791 by T. L. C. Genealogy, Miami Beach, FL 1998
Wilkes County, Georgia Tax Records 1785-1805 in two volumes, by Frank Parker Hudson, Atlanta 1996.
Oglethorpe County, Georgia Inferior and Ordinary Court Records, 1794-1920 volume 1 by Fred W. McRee Jr., Historic Oglethorpe Co. 2003.
The Wilkes County Papers 1773-1833 by Robert S. Davis Jr., Southern Historical Press, Easly, South Carolina, 1983 reprint.
Oglethorpe County, Georgia Deed Books A-E 1794-1809 by Michal Martin Farmer, Dallas, Texas, 1999
National Genealogical Society Quarterly, volume XLI September 1953 #3, abstracted by J. H. Hill.
Notes taken by Johnella Sparks Boynton when researching at Court Houses and Archives
This group of BROOKS researchers so freely exchanges information, it is sometimes difficult to give credit to the individual who actually found the record. I've chosen to cite these contributions as "group" instead of attempting to track down the first appearance for some record.
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