FRANCES Traylor and Allen Spurlock
compiled by Linda Sparks Starr February 2008
LSS note: I am not a SPURLOCK researcher, therefore am most grateful for the data willingly shared by other researchers.
1771 after birth of Allen Spurlock who is listed as a minor on the Wilkes Co. GA tax list in 1792. [Hudson p. 386]
1778-1780 before October birth Frances Traylor, daughter of William. She was born in Dinwiddie or Halifax Co. Virginia. She was 40-50 years old on the 1830 census.
1791 November 16 David Allen Senr to David Allen Junr., both of Wilkes Co., for £100, 200 acres by grant, plat & survey in said Co. ... wit: Daniel Carter, Allen Spurlock. Proved by Allen Spurlock 27 June 1794. [Oglethorpe Deed Bk A p. 323; Farmer p. 41]
1791 November 16 Benjamin Allen to Allen & Sarah Spurlock, all of Wilkes Co. GA for £50 paid by David Allen in behalf of Allen & Sarah, 200 acres ... Wit: David Allen, Job Allen. Deed was proved by David Allen 27 June 1794 before John Davenport JP. [Oglethorpe Co. GA Deed Bk B p. 231; Farmer p. 74-5] LSS note: It is my understanding that Allen and Sarah are thought to be siblings. Eleanor Colson thinks the "proved date of this deed" (June 1794) may be a clue in narrowing when Allen became of age.
1792 Wilkes Co. Tax List, Capt. Jordan's Dist: Allen Spurlock, minor, 100 acre (3rd class) on Indian Creek, adj. David Allen. Sarah Spurlock (returned for her by Allen Spurlock) 100 acres (3rd Class) on Indian Creek adj. Allen Spurlock. [Hudson p. 386] LSS note: Also in this tax district, Edward Trailer (return by William Strother) and Champion T. Trailer.
1792 October 31 Frances Traylor, orphan William Traylor dec'd, chooses James Brooks guardian. [Wilkes Co. GA Minutes of Inferior Court p. 41] LSS note: one had to be at least 14 to choose a guardian placing her birth before October 1778.
1793 Wilkes Co. Tax List, Capt. Sander's Dist: David Allen 397 acres (3rd class) on Indian Creek adjacent Allen Spurlock. [Hudson p. 500-502]
1794 June 4 Oglethorpe Co. GA Frances and Milly Traylor, orphans and daughters of William dec'd, petition that James Brooks be appointed their guardian. [NGS p. 74] LSS note: Oglethorpe Co. was created from parts of Wilkes Co. December 1793. [Everton p. 89]
1795-1796 estimated birth year William H. Spurlock, son of Allen & Frances. LSS note: He was 30-40 years old on the 1830 census. He married Lavinia Winbourne. [Cal]
1796 Oglethorpe Co. GA Taxlist: Edmond Traylor, Paschal Traylor, Thomas Traylor, William Traylor, John Banks, Dunston Banks, Allen Spurlock.
1797-1798 estimated birth year John Spurlock son of Allen & Frances. He m. Nancy Garner [Cal]
1799-1800 estimated birth year William Allen Spurlock, son of Allen & Frances.
1800 Oglethorpe Co. GA Census: Allen Spurlock 3 males under 10; 1 male 26-45; 1 female 16-26, 2 slaves. [Warren]
1801 January 22 Final returns by James Brooks as guardian Frances Traylor, now Frances Spurlock and Milly Banyon. Allen Spurlock and Thomas Bannon signed receipt in full for their wives' share of the estate of William Traylor dec'd. [Oglethorpe Co. GA PT]
1801 estimated birth year Mary "Polly" Spurlock, daughter Allen and Frances. She m. 1st Henry Jones 2nd Edward S. Brown [Cal]
1802 or thereabouts (no date but nearby records are in this year) Indenture: Witnesseth that James Keith, son of Samuel Keith dec'd and by consent of James Keith, his uncle, put himself an apprentice to Allen Spurlock to learn his art or mystery and after the manner of an apprentice to serve him from the date hereof during the full term of his minority ... [Guardian and Administrator's Bonds 1794-1848 p. 48; McRee p. 10] Allen was a hatter. [Cal]
1802 Halifax Co. Virginia August Court: Richard Bradshaw vs Legatees of William Traylor dec'd for deficiency of 50 acres in tract sold in 1788 ... "Allen Spurlock who intermarried with Frances" [Halifax Co. VA Pleas Bk 21, p. 105 JSB]
1803 October 18 Allen Spurlock to Lewis Suddoth, both of Oglethorpe Co., for $400, on Indian Creek, 100 acres. /s/ Allen Spurlock. Witness: T. Traylor, Sam'l Colquitt, Russell Jones. [Oglethorpe Co. GA Deed Bk D p. 489; Farmer p. 278]
1803 October 18 Allen Spurlock of Clark Co. GA to Samuel Hay of Oglethorpe Co. for $300, 100 acres on Indian Creek waters, branch of Long Creek. /s/ Allen Spurlock. Wit; T. Traylor, Charles Hay. [Oglethorpe Deed Bk D p. 510; Farmer p. 282]
1804 August 21 Allen Spurlock of Clark Co. GA to John Newby of Oglethorpe Co. GA for $130, 118 acres on branches of Indian Creek ... originally granted to Allen Spurlock 5 December 1803 in fee simple. /s/ Allen Spurlock. Wit: Gilbert (K) Keen, John Keen, James Jones. [Oglethorpe Co. Deed Bk E p. 3; Farmer p. 293]
1805 estimated birth year Josiah V. Spurlock, son of Allen and Frances. On the 1820 census Allen had two males born between 1804-1810 in his household. He m. 1st Rebecca Adaline Knox 2nd Mary Ann Winbourne [Cal]
1805 Georgia Land Lottery: #291 Allen Spurlock of Clarke Co. GA was entitled to two draws; he drew one blank and one prize -- land in Wayne Co. District2 Lot #238 [Graham p. 519] LSS note: Also in Clarke Co. that year, James Spurlock.
1807 estimated birth year Elizabeth Spurlock, daughter of Allen and Frances (Traylor) Cal lists the order of the younger children as: Josiah, Allen, one unknown / gender not specified, and then Elizabeth m. Wilfred Garner.
1809 estimated birth year Allen Spurlock, son of Allen and Frances (Traylor)
1809 Allen Spurlock obtained Georgia passport to go through the Indian Territory into Mississippi Territory. [Colson]
1810 Frances Spurlock listed among the charter members of the East Fork Baptist Church in Amite Co. Mississippi. The church minutes also records her death. [Colson]
1810 Amite Co. Mississippi Census: Allen Spurlock 1 male over 21; 6 males under 21; 1 female over 21; 2 females under 21, 4 slaves.
1813 estimated birth year Thomas Jefferson Spurlock in MS Territory, son of Allen and Frances (Traylor) He married Elizabeth R. Hunt. [Cal]
1818 estimated birth year James M. son of Allen and Frances (Traylor) He married Caroline S. Russell. [Cal]
1820 Amite Co. MS Census: Allen Spurlock 1 male over 45; 2 males under 10; 2 males 10-16; 1 male 16-26; 1 female over 45; 1 female 10-16; 1 female 16-26. [PT or Colson]
1825-1826 estimated birth year of youngest daughter Allen & Frances Spurlock. LSS note: Most researchers add Walter b. 1823, but the 1830 census shows Allen's household with one female under 5 and 1 male 10-15.
1830 Amite Co. Mississippi Census: Allen Spurlock 1 male 10-15; 1 male 15-20; 1 male 20-30; 1 male 30-40; 1 male 50-60; 1 female under 5; 1 female 40-50. [RF] Next household down, William H. Spurlock 1 male under 5; 1 male 5-10; 1 male 30-40; 1 female under 5; 1 female 5-10; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 20-30.
1846 January 15 death in Amite Co. Mississippi Frances (Traylor) Spurlock. [Colson citing minutes East Fork Baptist Church.] LSS note: Colson says they are listed as members of the church in 1844 and 1854.
1850 before Allen Spurlock married his 2nd wife, Martha ____ per the 1850 census.
1864 August 8 estate Allen Spurlock was settled in Amite Co. Mississippi. [Cal]
National Genealogical Society Quarterly, vol. XLI, September 1953, #3 abstracted by J. H. Hill.
The Handybook for Genealogists Ninth Edition, The Everton Publishers Inc., Logan, Utah 1999
Spurlock researcher and descendant Eleanor Colson.
Oglethorpe County, Georgia, Deed Books A-E 1794-1809 by Michal Martin Farmer, Dallas, Texas 1999
1805 Georgia Land Lottery Persons Entitled to Draws compiled by Paul K. Graham, The Genealogy Co., Decatur, GA 2005
Wilkes County, Georgia, Tax Records 1785-1805 compiled by Frank Parker Hudson Atlanta, GA 1996
Transcriptions of original court records posted to usgenweb sites plus Traylor data and messages shared with the rootsweb TRAYLOR list by Peggy Thompson
Cal Traylor's collection of Traylor correspondence and research shared with others.
Oglethorpe County, Georgia Inferior and Ordinary Court Records 1794-1920 volume 1 by Fred W. McRee Jr., 2003
The 1800 Oglethorpe County, Georgia Census transcribed by Mary B. Warren, published by Heritage Papers.
The 1796 Oglethorpe County, Georgia Tax List transcription of records found in Office of Superior Court of Georgia. No further citation given on the typed list.
Rhoda Fone for census assistance.
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