RANDOLPH Traylor 1766 - 1818

compiled by Linda Sparks Starr February 2008

1766 estimated birthyear Randolph Traylor in Dinwiddie County, Virginia, son of William. LSS note: Sometimes seen in records as Randall Traylor. Age based on first appearance (1787) Georgia tax rolls. "Except for 1795 ... all free white males 21 to 60 who owned no land or slaves [regardless of marital status and living arrangements] was recorded by name as a poll" in the tax record. [Hudson p. 19]

1787 January 3 Robert Ferguson of Guilford NC to William Tralor of Wilkes Co., GA 650 acres on Long Creek adj. John Owens and George Hamilton. Witnesses: Randolph Traylor, Middleton Brooks, Andrew O'Kelley. [Wilkes Co. GA Deeds Bk CC p. 77; Farmer p. 56]

1787 Wilkes Co. Georgia Tax List, Capt. Bailey's District: Randolph Traylor (no property) [Hudson p. 114]

1788-1792 marriage in Wilkes Co. Georgia Randolph Traylor and Edy Sparks, daughter of Matthew and Sarah (Thompson). LSS note: marriage record is not extant. Date takes into account the number of children (possibly thirteen) is uncertain, but the distribution of his estate proves only five of those children were born after 1800.

1791 Wilkes Co. Tax List, Capt Patton's district: Hiram Traylor, Mathew Sparks, Thomas Traylor, Randolph Traylor 1000 acres in Franklin Co, James Brooks [Hudson p. 310-311]

1792 Wilkes Co. GA Tax List, Capt. James Sander's Dist: Mathew Sparks 200 acres in Franklin Co. on Shoal Cr, Randolph Trailer with 20 acres (2nd) and 73 acres (3rd class) in Wilkes Co. on Indian Creek adj. Thos. Trailer [Hudson p. 372-4]

1792 October 31 Edward Traylor, orphan of William Traylor, chooses Randolph Traylor guardian [Wilkes Co. GA Minutes of the Inferior Court p. 41]

1793 or before birth in Wilkes Co. GA William Traylor (son of Randolph & Edy). LSS note: It is not unreasonable to assume he was "of voting age" when he signed a petition to Congress January 1815. IF he were 25 when he married "about 1814" (eldest child's birth is estimated as 1815), William's birth is moved forward to 1789 pushing Randolph's and Edy's marriage back to about 1788.

1793 Wilkes Co. GA Tax List, Capt. James Sander's Co: Matthew Sparks 200 acres in Franklin Co. on Shoal Creek, Randolph Traylor 2 slaves, 20 acres (2nd) and 73 acres (3rd) on Indian Creek. [Hudson p. 500-2]

1796 or before estimated birth year Matthew Traylor, son of Randolph & Edy (Sparks). LSS note: Age is based on his being age 25 when he married in 1821. Most researchers place him as the eldest son with William second son. My reasoning for Matthew as their second son includes William's appearance in records first and his marriage several years before Matthew.

1796 September 19 William Sparks sold land in Jackson Co. GA to Randolph Traylor. [Jackson Co. Deed Bk AB p. 101] September 19, 1798 William Sharks (sic) to Randolph Traylor 100 acres on Oconee River, teste: Champion T. Traylor, Martin Nall, Paul Patrick Jr. [Maddox] LSS note: Probably same deed and one date is typing error on my part, but which? William is brother of Edy (Sparks) Traylor.

1797 September 19 William Sharks (sic) to Richard Nall .... teste Champion T. Traylor, Martin Nall, Randall Traylor. [Maddox]

1798 August 1798 William Stokes ... to Brantley Sharks ... 100 acres on Big Shoal Creek, granted in name James Stewart, but given to Jesse Sparks as Trustee for widow and orphans of Matthew Sparks. teste: Randall Traylor JP [Maddox] LSS note: Jesse is brother of Edy (Sparks) Traylor and the deceased Matthew Sparks their father.

1798 November 6 Abednego Moore and John Webb of Jackson Co. to Richard Sappington of Wilkes Co., 200 acres in Montgomery Co. NC ... teste: Randolph Traylor, Archellus Bryant. [Maddox]

1798-1799 estimated birth year of Nathan Traylor, son of Randolph & Edy, based on the ages he gave on the 1860 and 1870 census.

1799 April 1 Randolph Traylor and Paul Patrick were nominated Justices for District 2 in Jackson Co. GA. [Maddox]

1799 August 22 date will Paschal (Paskel) Traylor of Oglethorpe Co. GA appointing his wife Milly and brothers Randolph and Edward executors. [Oglethorpe Co. Will Bk A p. 87; McRee p. 18

1799 estimated birth year Peggy Traylor, "probable daughter" of Randolph & Edy (Sparks). LSS note: Age based on her non-appearance in the guardian bonds for Randolph's minor children dated January 1821. Although she is not listed as a legatee in Randolph's estate papers, her inclusion here as a "probable daughter" is based solely on her 1822 marriage in Lawrence Co MS. This Traylor family is the only one living in the area at this time.

1802 Halifax Co. VA Chancery Court, August Session: Richard Bradshaw vs Thomas Traylor, administrator and one of the legatees William Traylor dec'd. ... (inlude) Randolph [Halifax Co. VA Pleas Bk 21, p. 105 JSB]

1804 Randolph Traylor 1000 acres Headright / Land Grant in Franklin Co. Georgia [Bk EEEEE p. 802 Lucas]

1805 June 6 Randolph Traylor of Clark Co., GA to Reace Watkins, Reuben Traylor & Paschal Traylor, heirs of Paschal Traylor dec'd for $500, 93 acres in Oglethorpe Co. on Indian Creek waters, begin on Indian Creek, North on Reuben & Pascal Traylor's land .... to corner on Thomas Traylor on Indian Creek in fee simple. /s/ R. Traylor. Wit: T. Traylor, Wm Traylor, G. Hudspeth JP. [Oglethorpe Deeds Bk D p. 453; Farmer p. 270] LSS note: Reece Watkins Jr. married Paschal's widow Milly (Anglin) Traylor.

1805 Randolph Traylor, as resident Clarke Co., drew two blanks in the Georgia Land Lottery. [Graham p. 560]

1807 January 3 Randolph Traylor of Clark Co. Georgia to Needham Sorrel of Oglethorpe Co. for $400, 100 acres on waters of Oconee River known by name of Shole Creek .... /s/ R. Traylor, Edie Traylor witnesses Jimmy Sims, Wm (+) Sparks, Wm (X) Pace. [Clarke Co. GA Deeds Bk D p. 224-5 PT]

1808 October 6 Randolph Traylor of Clarke Co. GA ... for good causes [and] moving ... power of attorney to William Polk of Franklin Co., GA to sell 1000 acres in Franklin Co. at time of survey but now in Jackson Co. ... /s/ Randolph Traylor. wit: Philip Shackelford, L. Sewall JP. [Jackson Co. Deeds Bk E p. 302 PT]

1813 Mississippi State Census, Marion Co.: Landel Traylor

1814 estimated marriage year for William Traylor (son of Randolph & Edy) and Jemima Bridgeman based on birth of Nathan about 1815 per the MS State Census. LSS note: BRIDGEMAN as Jemima's surname is not documented. Their sons and estimated birth years: Nathan b. 1815 and William b. 1822.

1814 December 6 (date referred) Memorial to Congress by inhabitants of the Territory asking for "a post road through the centre of the Mississippi Territory, to commence at the Choctaw Agency, Pearl River where it intersects the Nasvill rout and thence to Montecello on said River ... intersect the Pinkneville rout at Henry G. Niconx, which distance is about 90 miles and will shorten the distance from New Orlands to Nashvill about 150 miles." /s/ Randolph Traylor and others. [HF: 13 Cong., 3 sess: DS vol. VI]

1815 January 19 Petition asking for an extension on their payments, due to the Creek War of 1812, was signed by inhabitants of Marion and Lawrence Counties, Mississippi. The signers included Randolph Traylor, William Traylor, Richard Sparks and William Sparks. [p. 494-498 Carter] LSS note: Another petition, same date and signed by the same men as above, but sent "from Camp Pearl River" asked for assistance for the widows and orphans. William Sparks is brother of Edy (Sparks) Traylor and Richard is his son; William Traylor is Randolph and Edy's son. In my opinion, since the petition was addressed to Congress, it isn't unreasonable to assume the signers of the petition are at least "near" voting age.

1818 before November 6 death Randolph Traylor in Lawrence Co. Mississippi. Joseph Cooper and Matthew Traylor were appointed administrators of the estate. [JSB]

1819 May 17 birth in Mississippi Frances Traylor, daughter Randolph and Edy (Sparks).

1821 before marriage Harmon C. Runnels to a "probable daughter" of Randolph & Edy. Date based on Runnels signing the bond for Richard Sparks as guardian of Randolph's minor children. He also received a distribution of Randolph's estate. (details below.)

1821 January 2 Guardian bonds were executed for Richard Sparks as guardian for Randolph's minor children: Thomas, Elizabeth, Frances and Anna. His co-signers were Reuben Collins and Harmon C. Runnals. [Lawrence Co. MS Case #5308, Box 9, Randolph Trailor estate, Joseph Cooper and Matthew Traylor Administrators.] Those receiving money from his estate include: Matthew, Hiram*, William, Richard Sparks as guardian for the above minor children plus Sarah Traylor. The Nathan "Sparks" mentioned should probably read "Traylor" for a Nathan Traylor purchased items at the estate sale. LSS note: *Hiram's payment was identified as "his account against the Estate", not as his portion as a legatee. However the amount he received ($131.15) is very close to the amount paid known son Matthew ($131.50) and known daughter Sarah Traylor ($137.92.) Additionally the explanation for the payment to Matthew is the same words used to explain the payment to Hiram. On the other hand, Richard Sparks' payment was identified as "guardian for four of the minor legatees" ($518.15 1/4) and then as "guardian for Sarah Traylor, one of the legatees." Nathan "Sparks" and William Traylor payments were each explained "in part of his proportion of the Estate." Notes taken by Johnella Sparks Boynton of papers within this probate box include final "distributions" to William Nolles and Harmon M. Runnels and also a payment by the estate to Joseph Traylor. This was unclear as to the reason. However, when a copy of the contents of the probate box was later requested, those receipts were not included. Thus more documentation for these two daughters plus Joseph and Hiram as sons is needed. The addition of these four possible children (plus Peggy who married in 1822) is my reason for giving an earlier marriage date for Randolph and Edy than other researchers estimate. Also, note comments within the timeline for Hiram Traylor, son of William d.1791, as a possible candidate for the Hiram listed in Randolph's estate record.

1821 September 27 marriage Matthew Traylor (son of Randolph and Edy) and Esther Watkins in Lawrence Co. Mississippi. [Lawrence Co. Marriages Bk] LSS note: children included Henry Watkins b. October 17, 1830 died September 10, 1862.

1822 December 19 marriage in Lawrence Co. Mississippi Peggy Traylor and Greenbury O'Neal. [JSB] LSS note: Peggy is list as a probable daughter of Randolph & Edy (Sparks) because they are the only Traylor family in the area.

1823 Mississippi State Census Copiah County: William Traylor [JSB]

1826 before marriage William Nolles to a daughter of Randolph and Edy Traylor. LSS note: Since she was born before 1800 (marriages of all the minor daughters are accounted for), they surely married several years before this.

1828 estimated marriage year for Nathan Traylor and Christian (surname unknown). [PT] He was the son of Randolph & Edy (Sparks)

1830 Simpson Co. Mississippi census: Matthew Traylor, Nathan Traylor [JSB]

1830 Yazoo Co. Mississippi census: William Traylor, Richard Sparks [JSB]

1837 Mississippi State Census Simpson County: Nathan Traylor [JSB]

1847 marriages in Yalobusha County, Mississippi this year include: John Scott and Frances Traylor; James Tinnin and Elizabeth Traylor; Thomas Duke and Ann Trailer. [JSB] JSB note: It seems more than coincidence that these woman all had the same given name as Randolph Traylor's youngest daughters per guardian bond records.

1850 Lafayette Co. MS Census: #437 John Scott 40 born TN; Frances 31 born MS; Ann E. 14, Mary 11, Margaret M. 7, Sarah J. 5, Frances E. 1, all born in Missisippi. [PT] LSS note: This older Frances is thought to be daughter of Randolph and Edy (Sparks) who married Scott as his second wife in 1847. By 1860 Lafayette Co. Census they had added Martha 10, Hallie 8, Charles 6 and John 4 to their family.

1853 Mississippi State Census Lawrence County: Nathan Trailer [p. 11] JSB note: This is the only Mississippi reference to "a" Nathan Traylor found outside Simpson County.

1860 Simpson County Mississippi Federal Census: taken 4 Aug 1860, P.O. Westville, p. 158: #143/143 John M. Traylor 30 born MS; Harriett 18 born MS; Mary A. 1 born MS

Household #145/145 Nathan Traylor 62 born GA; Christian 50 born NC; Randolph 31. Sally 25, Mary 22, Amanda 20, Catharine 16, George W. 14 and Louisa J. 12, all the children were born in Mississippi. [JSB]

1870 before death Christian ( ) Traylor in Simpson Co., MS and marriage of the widower Nathan Traylor (son of Randolph & Edy) to Nancy ( ).

1870 Simpson Co. MS Federal Census: Westville P.O., p. 318 #170/171: Nathan Traylor 71 b. GA; Nancy 30 b. MS; Mary 26, Lee 20, both born in MS. [Heritage Quest index JSB]

JSB note: His daughter lived next door. #171/172 Amanda Lee Traylor 30, William 15, Martha 13, all born in Mississippi. LSS note: This is the last record found for Nathan Traylor.

1870 Burleson Co. Texas Census: Western District, taken July 23, 1870. #31 / 38: John Scott 61; Frances (Traylor, daughter of Randolph) 50; Martha L[anella] 18; Nancy H[elen] 16; Charles T[horton] 14; John W[infield] 12; Joseph C[ooper] 8 and Frank P[ierce] 5. [JSB p. 4] LSS note: all the children were born in Mississippi so their move to Texas was after 1865.

1880 Burleson Co. TX census: John Scott 71 born TN, father born VA, mother born NC; Frances [Traylor] 61 born MS, father born MS, mother born SC; John 23, Joseph 19, Franklin 14, Fannie Neal 8 "living with me" born TX and Thelma Hickey 18 "keeping house". [JSB]

1885 April 24 death in Burleson Co., Texas Frances (Traylor) Scott daughter of Randolph & Edy.



Wilkes County, Georgia Tax Records 1785 - 1805 in two volumes, compiled by Frank Parker Hudson, Atlanta, 1996.

Miscellaneous Records of Jackson County, Georgia by Joseph T. Maddox, 2nd ed. 1984

Early Records of Georgia volumes I and II: Wilkes County by Grace Gillam Davidson, 1992 reprint, Southern Historical Press, Easly, SC

Index to Headright & Bounty Grants of Georgia 1756-1909 by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr., Southern Historical Press, Easly, SC 1970. Originals located Surveyors General Office, Archives & Records Bldg, Secretary of State

Territorial Papers of the United States, volume 5: Mississippi Territory by C. E. Carter.

Research by Johnella Sparks Boynton in various Court Houses, Archives and reading microfilm of the originals. JSB

Deeds of Franklin County, Georgia 1784-1826 by Martha Walters Acker, Southern Historical Press, Easly, South Carolina 1976

Transcriptions of original records posted to usgenweb sites by Traylor descendant Peggy Thompson PT

1805 Georgia Land Lottery: Persons Entitled to Draws compiled by Paul K. Graham, The Genealogy Co., Decatur, GA 2005

Territorial Papers of the United States, volume VI: The Territory of Mississippi (1809-1817)

Wilkes County, Georgia Deed Books A-VV 1784-1806 by Michal Martin Farmer, Dallas, TX 1996

Oglethorpe County, Georgia Deed Books A-E 1794 - 1809 by Michal Martin Farmer, Dallas, TX 1999

Oglethorpe County, Georgia Abstracts of Wills 1794-1903 by Fred W. McRee Jr., 2002


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