Ramsey and Reid-related Photos

Tombstones / Church
Alexander Ramsay Sr., the father
Alexander and Sarah [1840s]
Augusta Stone Church
Alexander Ramsay Jr., the son
Alexander and Sarah [1870s]
Ramsay House
Sarah Hartgrove Reid Ramsay, wife of Alexander the son
Sarah Hartgrove Reid [ca1890]
Old Pickens Church
Joseph Reid
Margaret J. Ramsey [1850s, but daughter]

Isabella Baskin Reid
Ramsey Siblings [19teens]

Tombstone inscribed "In Memory of Alexander Ramsay Sr. Born Sept 30, 1799. Died Jan 20, 1871. He was honest and upright in all his intercourse with his fellow man, was esteemed by his neighbors and Died in the faith." Interred at Augusta Stone Church Cemetery near Clemson, S.C.

Tombstone inscribed "Memory of Alexander Ramsay Sr. who departed this life on the 21st March AD 1826 aged 79 years. He was honest and religious through life and died in hopes of a blessed immortality." Interred at Augusta Stone Church Cemetery near Clemson, S.C.

Oil portrait of Alexander (II) and Sarah (Reid) Ramsay, done circa 1840s.

Images of Alexander Ramsay (II) and Sarah (Reid) Ramsay, Might these have been made in the early 1840's? Photo credit: Joe Bailey.
Photo of Alexander Ramsay (II) and Sarah Hartgrove (Reid), taken circa 1870s.

Photos of and biographical paragraphs of Andrew H. Ramsay and Sally Azalea Jarrett Ramsay, from a book on history of Stephens County.
Augusta Stone Church, near Clemson, S.C. The church was erected in 1797.

Margaret Jane Ramsay (1841-1923), daughter of Alexander (II) and Sarah Ramsay, and wife of William R.Rankin of Calhoun, GA. Photo may have been taken from a tintype circa mid-1850s.

Old Pickens Presbyterian Church was erected on top of the hill in 1830 to serve the community of Pickens Court House. The bricks were handmade from soil along the banks of the nearby Keowee River. No longer in use as a church, the building and graveyard are located off Highway 183 between Pickens and Walhalla, S.C., near the south end of the bridge over the Keowee.

Alexander Ramsay II's house was moved early in the 20th century from a site overlooking the Tugaloo valley on the South Carolina side and across the river from Traveler's Rest on the GA side. This was the childhood home of Margaret Jane (Ramsay) Rankin.

Siblings of Margaret Jane (Ramsay) Rankin, who is seated on the left. Information about the identify of the other persons will be greatly appreciated.

Sarah Hartgrove (Reid) Ramsay, circa 1890. She was the daughter of Joseph Reid and Isabella (Baskin), and wife of Alexander Ramsay (II).

Tombstone inscribed "At Rest. Sarah Hartgrove Reid Ramsay, wife of Alexander Ramsay Sr. Born Sept. 25, 1804 Died Dec. 24, 1894. A devoted Christian, Mother and friend to the poor and distressed. She died fully relying on Christ as her Savior. Asleep in Jesus's blessed sleep from which none ever waken to weep." Interred at Augusta Stone Church Cemetery near Clemson, SC.

Tombstone inscribed "Isabella Baskin wife of Joseph Reid 1760-1851. Graves of Husband and Wife moved from Keowee Plantation Cemetery 1965." Re-interred at Old Pickens Presbyterian Church.

Tombstone inscribed "Sacred to the Memory of Joseph Reid Esquire who was born 5th June 1756 and died 20th October 1828. Through the varied scenes of a long life the obligations of duty were by him Sacredly regarded and faithfully discharged. As a soldier of the Revolution he was Brave, active & enterprising. As a Magistrate prompt, intelligent & upright. As a neighbor courteous, charitable & obliging. As a husband & parent affectionate, tender & indulgent and as a Christian humble, sincere & devoted." Re-interred at Old Pickens Presbyterian Church.

Credit is due Joseph Bailey for sharing the discovery of the three Civil War Era photos below:

Thomas Samuel Ransay, b. 1839 Pickens Co. SC, died Polk Co. TX.  He served as 1st Lt. in the 2nd SC Rifles, Bratton's Brigade. He may also have served in Co. C, SC Cavalry as well.
Jones Harper Stribling, brother of Martha Hannah, wife of Alexander Ramsay III. He was killed in battle in 1864

Andrew l l
Andrew H. Ramsay (1832-1909), son of Alexander and Sarah, served with Co. E, Orr's 1st Rifle Rgmt, A. P. Hill's Division, Jackson's Corps. Failing health caused him to be sent home to recuperate. At re-enlistiment he was assigned to Pres. Jefferson Davis' body guard where he remained until the end of the war. [Per Sam Ramsay's history of the family.]      
This poignant letter was written by Andrew on the eve of his departure to join the war.

                                                Linda Sparks Starr
                                                document updated December 2011