Note: Suzanne
Johnston gets full credit for this project of providing "full and
complete" transcriptions of the records of various Meetings. Other
published works have omitted or incorrectly quoted large portions of
the records. Reading the month-by-month minutes of meetings
makes for a much clearer picture of the life of those people who, like
Patricia Stanley to whom I dedicate this section, "walked in the
light." Special thanks go to all the transcribers and proofreaders.
We couldn't do this without you wonderful people. But as
any good genealogist knows, transcribers are only human. One of the
cardinal rules in genealogy is to check the original records and decide
for yourself if something says what the transcriber recorded. These
transcriptions are shared freely, BUT the individual
transcriber does hold the copyright to his/her work. So please remember
to give full credit to whomever did the
transcription work! The repository that provided the specific film used
for each transcription is duly noted, and that should also be included
in citations to these transcriptions.
Early on we learned repositories usually don't have the full set of
microfilm rolls for all meetings, and if they do, they may be reluctant
to make copies or lend out reels to individuals. LDS is one source for
most of the records, and some microfilm rolls are available through
interlibrary loan. I want to make special mention of the Maryland State
Archives. We used their matching fund partnership program that allows
the general public to order any microfilm of the Friends Meetings
records for $40 per roll. (2005) Film is then posted on the
Archives' server for at least a year "for private or fair educational
purposes." -- LKSS
This page created April 24, 2005