Margaret Irene "Maggie" Rankin
Margaret Irene
“Maggie” Rankin (1874-1964) and Fred McDaniel
From Calhoun to Atlanta
Copyright June 2012 by Linda Sparks
Margaret Irene was born 10 April 1874
in Calhoun, Georgia, the third
surviving child of W. R. and Margaret
(Ramsay) Rankin. Like her mother, she was called Maggie by
family and
friends. And like her older sister, Allie, little is known about
her as a person. One newspaper clipping lists Maggie among the
students giving a recitation at the end of the 1886 school year for
Gordon County University. Specifically it described the event as an
“interesting program of recitations, declamations and
music.” [Reeve p. 48] Later, Maggie is listed among the five
graduates in the 1894 Class of Calhoun Collegiate Institute. [Ibid p.
Maggie and Fred McDaniel were married February 1898
and by 1905, when the photo below was taken, were parents of two
Ouida Christine and Roy.
Twins William
Robert and William Harry were born in 1909. Woodworth gives
Fred’s occupation as auditor. [p. 716 #1534114] They
were living in Chattanooga, Tennessee, at the time Woodworth contacted
them or members of the family in Calhoun.
Maggie McDaniel, 1950
Only one undated Christmas letter from Maggie
to her sister Pauline Starr, was found in Pauline’s extant family
papers 2000. Written after 1956 (Pauline was a widow) but before
Mamie’s death June 1963, Maggie wrote: “Was
glad to get the short message from you, I think, we are all getting
past the writing stage, as you can see, I can hardly write, -- my
health is good but I seem to be nervous and weakening, but still manage
to get around. Don’t know any news, every body is well, Robert is
with me now. Had a card from Mary says Mamie is not doing so well, has
had two bad falls. I am so worried about her. Well, this is the
letter I have promised so long— now, let me hear from you
again. Love & kisses for every one.”
Margaret “Maggie” (Rankin) McDaniel died 20 August 1964 in
Atlanta, Georgia.
Fred and Maggie had four children. Information on
these comes from Woodworth and family photos.
1. Roy Esmond McDaniel listed his occupation as railroad
clerk when information was given to Woodworth. Roy was living in
Atlanta, Georgia at the time. He was born 25 Jan 1898 and on 21
June 1922 married Annie Mae Peacock, daughter Augustus Theodore Peacock
Jessie Lou Faye.
1921: Two poses of Roy
Roy and Annie Mae in 1978
According to her obituary: Annie
Mae (Peacock) McDaniel died July
1979 in Riverdale, Georgia and was buried in Westview Cemetery.
Roy and two children survived her. Christine’s
to Helen (Starr) Wade provided a few more details. The letterhead reads:
W. P. Stovall, 803 Yorkshire Rd, N.E. Atlanta,
GA 28 July 1979
Dear Helen,
... I am enclosing
a clipping of Annie Mae’s
funeral. She suffered so much the last week or so of her life, it is a
release to know she won’t suffer any more, altho we will miss
her. Brother seems to be holding up pretty good. His son and his wife
have been wonderful to him and he has been having dinner with them
nearly every night since and going home to sleep in his own bed. Their
57th wedding anniversary was June 21st. Ann and Margaret [Mamie’s
descendants, Ann Jones and Margaret (Norton) Porter Sudduth]
came by and
took me to the funeral and the cemetery. ...
They had two children:
a. Martha Louise b. 27
April 1924 Atlanta married 17 April 1944 Harry Marvin DePew
b. Theodore Esmond
McDaniel, Atlanta b. 3 July 1932

Martha McDaniel in 1930
2. Ouida Christine McDaniel was born in Calhoun, Georgia 29 Aug
1901. She graduated from Commercial High School in 1921.
She married 14 April 1929 Wiley Pope Stovall, son of Thomas Jefferson
Stovall and Mattie Callaway. At the time they were contacted by
Woodworth, Wiley was employed as a Rail Road passenger agent. He
served as 1st Lt 12th Machine Gun Battalion during WWII. No

Ouida Christine McDaniel in 1918
3. William Robert McDaniel (twin) was born 10 May 1909 in
Chattanooga, Tennessee. During WWII he served as a technical Sergeant
for the US Army Air Corps 8th Air Force. He married 27 August
1944 Alice Willlard, daughter Charles William Willard and Clara Edith
Tallmadge. No children. His undated obituary: “Graveside services for William
McDaniel, 57, of 803 Yorkshire Road NE, were held Wednesday at Westview
Cemetery. Dr. F. W. Widmer officiated. Mr. McDaniel, a native of
Chattanooga, died Monday. He had been a laboratory statistician for the
International Mineral Corp. for 33 years. He spent 18 years in Chicago
before returning to Atlanta in 1960. As a World War II Air Force
veteran, Mr. McDaniel flew 50 missions over Germany. Surviving are a
sister, Mrs. W. P. Stovall, Atlanta, and a brother, R. E. McDaniel,
4. William Harry McDaniel (twin) was working as a book keeper in
Atlanta, Georgia when he or other family reported to Woodworth.
He was not married at that time.
Bell, Burton J., compiler and editor. 1976 Bicentennial History
of Gordon County Georgia. Gordon Co. Historical Society, Calhoun,
1976. Includes the complete history of Gordon County written by
Lulie Pitts. My original notes were taken from Pitts, but I cite
page numbers from the Bell work. Neither work is indexed.
Jones, Ann. Rankin family researcher and granddaughter of
Maggie’s sister, Mamie (Rankin) Norton.
Reeve, Jewell B. compiler. Climb the Hills of Gordon. 1962.
Southern Historical Press, Easley, SC reprint 1979.
Wade, Helen Starr and Schisler, Alice (Starr). After the death of
Harry Starr, Pauline (Rankin) lived a number years with these
daughters. The old photos were from Pauline’s collection and most
information from newspaper clippings comes from Pauline’s
Woodworth, Robert Bell, editor. The Descendants of Robert and
John Poage (Pioneer Settlers in Augusta County, Va.): A Genealogy
Based on the Manuscript Collections of Prof. Andrew Woods Williamson,
Henry Martyn Williamson and John Guy Bishop. Volume One (Descendants of
Robert Poage of Augusta County). Privately printed by The McClure
Printing Company, Staunton, Va. 1954
Linda Sparks Starr copyright (c) 2010