Macon County, Missouri

Guardian Records for Minors of

Jesse Canada deceased



These papers were copied for the transcriber in the early 1990s from copies located at the courthouse in Macon. Although located under "Jesse Canada probate" they really relate to the guardianship of property belonging to Jesse's minor children with Mary Ann (Adams). Nothing is mentioned in these records about his two sons with his second wife Polly (Morrow); nor the two girls (presumed daughters and his first wife) living in his household at the time of the 1840 census. Both sons with Polly were still teen-agers in 1860 and should have had a guardian over their inherited property. But only Jesse's children with Mary Ann are found in either county's probate records for him. Personal comments by the transcriber, Linda Sparks Starr, appear within brackets. Although it may appear otherwise, no attempt was made to reconcile all the margins with the typed transcription. I begin each entry with the reverse side of the document.




[This first record is the guardian bond taken out by the court appointed and also near neighbor of Mary Ann in Macon County, Alfred Bealmear.]



Filed Jan 4th 1860

M. B. Eskridge P.J

Recorded in book D. at

page 119 --

M. B Eskridge P.J



Know all men by these presents that I alfred Belmear as principal and John Gross and James M. Love as his security are held and firmly bound to the state of Missouri (for the use of James Q. Canada, Alexander Canada Marshall Canada, Christopher C. Canada, Lucinda Jane Canada and Jessee Ann Canada) in the sum of four hundred Dollars for the payment of which we bind ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators firmly by these presents --

The condition of the above bond is such that whereas the said Alfred Bealmer has been appointed guardian of the persons and estates of the above named minor heirs -- Now if he shall faithfully discharge the duties of guardian as aforesaid as is required by law then this bond to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue in law

Given under our hands and seals this January the 4th AD 1860

Alfred Bealmear Seal

John Gross Seal

James M. Love Seal

Approved Jan 4th 1860

M. B. Eskridge P.J







[According to the signed receipt filed in the Jesse Canada Probate packet in Sullivan County, Bealmear received only 10 cents less than he states below. In the final accounting, the amount of his error as reported is markedly higher.]

Canada heirs

1st Sett of Guardian

Filed July 18" 1860

M. B. Eskridge P.J.

Recorded in book II

at page 58--

M. B. Eskridge P.J.



1st Annual Settlement of James (sic) Bealmer Guardian for minor heirs of Jessee Canada


he Charges himself with amt Recd of Joel C. Hill admr of the Estate of Jessee Canada

Amt Recd $224.65


By Expenses as per v 1 $4.00

" Probate fees costs &c 2.65


Bal due the heirs $215.00

A. Bealmear



[Right on schedule Bealmear presents his second accounting to the probate judge. ]

Canada Jessee Decd


2nd Settlement

Filed July 17th 1861

M. B. Eskridge P.J

Recorded in book II

at page 98

M.B. Eskridge P.J.



2nd annual Settlement of Alfred Bealmer guardian for minor heirs of Jessee Canada Deceased.

he charges himself as follows

Bal due on cash Settlement $215.00

Int on Same to this date 16.50

Cr $ 231.50

By amt Paid Mary Canada Per v1 $50.00

" " Probate fees costs &c .95


Bal due $180.55

app'd July 17th 1861

M. B. Eskridge P.J Alfred Bealmear

[Apparently nothing was reported to the court, let alone given towards support of the minors during the war years. The next record located is Mary Ann's appeal to the court for support.]



Mary Canada


Alfred Balmer

guardian heirs

of Jesse Canada

Pet for appropriation

Filed April 16 1866

J. M. Gilstrap




Mary Canada makes oath & Says that the above petition & the matters as therein stated She believes are true.

Subscribed Thrern whefore on April 16 1866.

J. M. Gilstrap Judge





Mary Canada } In the Proba

vs court of Macon

Alfred Bealmear guardian } County April

of James Q. Canada } Term 1866

Alexander Canada }

Marshal Canada }

Christopher C. Canada }

Lucinda Jane Canada }

Jesse Ann Canada }

Minor heirs of Jess Canaday d'd

Your petitoner Mary Canada Represents to your honors that she has maintained clothed & Educated at her own Expense the above named heirs and there has been appropriated for that purpose but fifty Dollars that the Expense of Educating supporting clothing & maintaining said heirs was and is reasonably worth from July 1860 to this time fifty Dollars each, wherefore she prays that an order may be made appropriating when for the same three Hundred Dollars fifty Dollars of which she has received and that an order be made upon the guardian to pay the same or such portion thing as may be in his hands towards said allowance. Mary Canada






[The outcome of Mary Ann's lawsuit isn't reported, but the result was the final settlement to the heirs.]


Approved and filed Oct. 22nd 1866

J. M. Gilstrap PJ


3rd &final Setlmt

of Alfred Belmear

Guardn of the

Minor heirs of

Jesse Canada


Filed Oct. 22.66

J. M. Gilstrap P.J.

Recorded in Book

I on Page 450

J. M. Gilstrap P.J.




3rd &final Setlmt of Alfred Bealmear Guardian & curator of James Q. Alexander J. Marshal L. Christopher C. Lucinda J. & Jesse A. Canada, minor heirs of Jesse Canada dec'd.

He charges himself as follows:

To Bal owed wards on last Settmt made July 17th 1861 180.55

To int on same at 10 pr ct 94.75

Total charges $275.30

He claims credits

By Error in amt recd from Joel C. Hill July 10,1860 $ 43.80

Int. on same to date 27.37

By amt per Mary Canada by order of Court 50.00

Int on same 6 mos 2.50

He claims for his Coms. & expenses $60.00 per year 60.00

Vouc No. 1. By amt for BR Dysart 10.00

Probate fees 2.00 $195.67

Bal due Estate $ 79.63


And due notice having been given as required by law, he prays the Court that he be permitted to resign, & that he be discharged A. Bealmear

Approved Oct 22, 1866.