Probate Records
of Jesse Canada deceased
[These loose papers located within a probate packet were copied by a member of the local historical society at the Sullivan County, Missouri courthouse in Milan April 2007. Transcriptions are true to the original except no attempt was made to reconcile the original margin lines. Unreadable letters and marks are represented by underlined blank spaces. Personal comments of the transcriber appear within brackets. Scanned images from this probate file (keyed within the text) are available in the CANADA section of KY and MO Connections at Linda Sparks Starr.]
This first, full length page was written on both sides and then was folded in half, twice.]State of Missouri }
County of Sullivan } Ss
Henry S. Crump, James. M. Walker and William. B. Jones being appointed appraisers to appraise the personal Estate of Jesse Canada, deceased, and before _entering on their duties, being duly sworn by me a Justice of the peace of Said County, depose and Say, that they are not interested nor of kin to any person interested in said estate as heir or devisee and that they will to the best of their ability view and appraise the Slaves and other personal Estate to them produced H S Crump
Sworn to and Subscribed before me} his
November the 25th 1855 J M + Walker
Wm. B. Jones
Marion Sanders J.P. in Sullivan Co Missouri
List of appraisment $ cts
One mare valued at $80 _____________________ 80 00
one two year old filly at, 75. ___________________ 75 00
two yearling fillys, at $55 each ________________ 110 00
one yoke of oxen yoke and chain at 70 ___________ 70 00
Six milch cows at 18 dollars each _______________ 108 00
three mich cows at 16 dollars each _______________ 48 00
Six heifers at 16 dollars each ___________________ 96 00
two do at 10 dollars each ___________________ 20 00
Eight Steers at 18 dollars each _________________ 144 00
one Bull at 18 dollars _________________________ 18 00
Nine Calves at 4 dollars each 36 00
Reverse side ]cts $ cts
one Adz valued at $1.50 1 50
one Sythe and Snatt 1.50 1 50
one Book the Celebrated travler 2 00
Total amount $ 810 } 00
We the undersigned do hereby certify that the above is a true and a correct appraisment of all the property produced to us by Joel. C. Hill administrator of Jesse Canada deceased
Given under our hands this the 22 day of November AD 1855
Henry S. Crump
James M (+) Walker
Wm B Jones
[The reverse side of this tri-folded page appears first, with the inventory next.]
Inventory of
the Estate of
Jesse Cannada
filed Decr 8th 1855
S. G. Watkins Probate Judge
by Peter Johnson
Inventory of all the estate of Jesse Cannada late of Sullivan County in the State of Missouri deceased, except the absolute property of the widow. No Real estateMoney none
Notes [line drawn through and attempt to erase the word "and" here]
one note executed by G. H. Farris dated February 24th 1855 due one day after
date ----- $12.50
Interest on Same .55
one note executed by Wm B Jones, dated September 23rd 1855 due one day
after date $10.00
Interest on Same 10
one mare, one two year old filly two one year fillys, one yoke of oxen with yoke and chain, nine milch cows, Six two year old heifers, two one year old heifers, one three year old steer, Six two year old steers, one, yearling steer, one two year old Bull, nine calves, one adz one Scythe & Swath one Book, called the Universal traveler
[The word "Swath" isn't correct, but is my best guess as to what it should be. There was a series, or at least several editions, of Universal Traveler. The earliest editions had numerous pictures of far away places. Everything sold at the public auction is listed on a single page folded in half and then in thirds. I begin with the reverse side: ]
Filed Jan 7
S. G. Watkins
Probate Judge
[sideways along spine of fold] A Sale bill
A Sale bill of Property Sold by Joel. C. Hill administrator of Jesse Canada Deceased
James M. Walker one adze for $ 1.20
Davis W Johnson 9 Calves " 50.00
Gilbert. H. Farris 1 pr Steers " 45.00
J. W. Farris 1 Pr Steers " 40.00
William. T. Farris 1 pr Steers " 31.00
Milton S. Boyzarth 1 Steer 1 Bull 30.00
William. B. Jones 3 Heifers 1 Steer " 41.50
John Q Reynolds 1 Cow " 25.50
Gilbert. H. Farris 1 Heifer " 16.75
Thos. T. Baley 1 Heifer " 20.75
James Lewis 1 Cow " 18.00
T. R. Rice 1 Cow " 11.50
William T. Farris 1 Cow " 21.00
Josephus Robbins 1 Cow 25.00
John Gates 1 Cow 14.00
T. H. Loughead 1 Cow 15.00
Jesse. L. Allred 1 Cow 13.00
Merit Trowbridge 1 Cow 13.75
Murit Trowbridge 1 Scythe & Sneathe 1.65
Joel Head 1 Filley 94.00
William B. Braden 1 Filley 69.50
Elijah Hargus 1 Filley 65.00
William B. Jones 1 Book 2.20
State of Missouri { Total amount 665.30
County of Sullivan { SS
Wm B Jones being Duly Sworn by me a Justice of the Peace of Said County deposes and Says that the foregoing is a true account of the Sales made by Joel. C. Hill Administrator of the estate
[Next is a group of bills submitted to the estate administrator for payment and listed on the first annual estate settlement which follows immediately after the vouchers. Paper must have been in short supply for even the court clerks used what appears to be, scraps of paper. This first claim is the original note "signed by mark" by Jesse Canada in 1854 in Stone County, Missouri. The day of the month is a best guess on my part. The note was written on the top portion of a sheet of paper 7 1/2 inches wide, which was unevenly torn along the bottom.]
Stone county MO Feb the 20th
Recved of Wesley Canidy twenty-five head of cattle which Ipromise to make Sale of the Same and forward one hundred
& forty eight dollars to him for the Same.
Jese + Canidy
attest P.C. Berry
[The reverse side of the above note reads]
S in the agrd amont to
D W Jonson
[The next document appears to have been folded in many different directions; the outer or what I call "reverse" side is much worn in the areas where the fold was on the outside. The reverse side identifies this claim as "No 1":]
I certify the Sume of one hundred & forty eight
dollars is allowed & classed as the 5 class of demands
Oct 7 1856 S G Watkins
Probate Judge
January the 16th 1857
Receved Pay in full for the above allowed account
Davis W. Johnson
State of Iowa } SS
Decatur County }
I Wesley Canada do solemnly Swear that the claimheld by me against the Estate of Jessee Canada ["of Su" xxx'd out] Deceased Late of the County of Sullivan and State of Missouri for one hundred and forty eight-dollars and Left by me in the hands of Davis W. Johnson of Said Sullivan county Mo.: for collection is a just and true claim against said Estate of Jesse Canada Deceased and that the whole of said claim is yet due & unpaid
Wesley X Canada
The above was Sworn to
and Subscribed before me
this Eleventh day of August
AD 1856 witness my hand
and the Seal of the county of
Decatur Iowa hereunto affixed
Done at Leon this date
above written
Saml C Thompson
Judge Decatur County
[The individual's name on this receipt links this to voucher #2 in the first settlement papers.]
I G H Farris make oath say that the estate of Jesse Canady dec is justly indebted to me after allowing all just credits and &fees the sum of seven dollars & the act is correctly stated
May 5 1856 Gilbert H Faris
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 5 day of May 1856
S G Watkins
Probate Judge
I receive Pay in full
this Jan 17 1857 Gelber A Farris
[The reverse side of the above claim reads:]
Jessa Canidas Esstate Dr. To Gibert W Fais
in the month of Aprile 1853 to 186 Rails $2.00
To Hawling House logs $2.00
To Heigh and Conne $1.00
To Work $1.50
To use of pound 0.50
C W $ 7.00
I certify the sum of seven dollars is allowed & classed in the 5th class of demands
July 7 1856 S G Watkins
Probate Judge
[Badly torn paper with several missing words represented by underlined blanks .]
Job S. Marshalls Bill__ust the Estate of Jesse Canada
___of Sullivan Co. Mo. Disseased
__ making one Coffin Eight Dollars
__ yi__ Sale one Dollar
No 3
[Two entries on the reverse side, the second is very difficult to read.]
I certify the sum of eight dollars is ___
& classed in the 1st class of demand_
July 7 1856 S G Wat____
January 1st 1857 Probat____
Received of Joel C Hill, Administrator of
of Jesse Canada late of Sullivan Co. Decd _____
of Nine Dollars in full of all demands
Estate up to this date Job Mar_____
[This 4 x 7 1/2 inch paper was folded in half both ways. The reverse-side entry appears first, followed by the claim. The surname of the claimant is questionable and, although it differs considerably from how it appears in the first annual settlement record, both are identified as "voucher 4". Mary Ann's brother-in-law was Jesse Allbred / Allfred (another surname we don't know which is correct.) Is this her brother-in-law? Those interested are encouraged to compare the scanned images of the receipt and settlement page.]
I certify the Sum of thirteen dollars & 75 cts is allowed & classed in the 5th
class of demands. Oct 7 1856 S G Watkins
P Judge
no 4
to Six days work twohands with waggon an teem
at two dollars per day $ 12
two Bushels an a half of meal $1
to mending two par of shoes 75
13 75
[Identified on the reverse side as "no 4".]
Receved of J. C. Hill admr of Jesse Canada's Estate the Sum of $13.75/100 in full of all demands against all Estate up to this date January the 16th 1857 hisJesse X p Allnee
[The reverse side of this claims receipt identifies it as No. 5. Folded into thirds and then folded in half, the paper formed six almost perfect squares. The reverse side shows signs of where tape was applied to keep the fold from tearing further.]
Est of Jessee Canada
Dec To E F Perkins
-- filed Jun 7 1856
S G Watkins
P Judge
I certify the sum of
thirty dollars is
allowed & classed
in the 5th class of
Jan 7 1856
S G Watkins
Probate Judge
[The bill from Dr. Perkins reads:]
Estate of Jessee Canada Dr To
Dr E F Perkins
Sept 15th 1855
To visit prescrpstion & medicine for Self & wife $9.00
" 18 " visit prescrpstions medicine for self & wife 9.00
Nov 18 To visit to daughter prescriptions & Med 6.00
" 20 " " " " " " 6.00
Received payment in full $30.00
E. F. Perkins
[The reverse side identifies this 6 1/4 x 3 1/4 strip of paper as "no 5". Does the additional money represent interest paid on a past-due account?]
Milan Mo Jan 2nd 1857
Rec'd of Joel C Hill Adm- of the Estate Jessee
Canada thirty-one Dollars eighty-cents in full of all
demands up to this date E F Perkins
[This claim was written on 5 x 5 1/2 inch tri-folded paper. One third of the reverse side indicates this bill is identified as "No. 6" with a "5" written off to the side. The top third of this reverse side reads:]
I waive notice in open court on the within account.
Joel C. Hill. admn
[The middle section of this reverse side has two separate entries.]
Jesse Canada
with J. R. Sands
& filed Jan 7
1856 S G Watkins
P Judge
I certify the sum of eleven dollars is allowed & classed in the 1st class of demands & the sum of fourteen dollars is allowed & classed in the 5th class of demands Jan 7, 1856
S. G. Watkins P Judge
[This Dr's bill for services rendered was written by a Dr.; several words are my best guesses.]
Jesse Canada Decd Dr
1856 To J. R. Sands, MD
Sep 24 To vis, pr & med for wfe & son $8.50
" 27 " pr & med for Do Do 2.50
" 29 " vis from Farris, pr & med slf & wfe 4.00
Oct 28 " pr & med for slf (Lq) 2.00
" 29 " vis pr& med slf 8.00
Amt due --------------------- $25.00
Recd of Joel Hill 26.55 cts,
being the amt in full of
principal and interest --
Jany 29 1857 J R Sands
[Identified on reverse side as "no 8", this 6 1/2 x 2 1/4 strip of paper reads]
Rec'd of Joel Hill one dollar as fees in the case of Canady dec
Oct 7 1856 S G Watkins
Probate Judge
[The reverse side of this 7 3/4 x 2 1/2 inch strip identifies it as "No 10".]
Recd of Joel Hill admr of the estate o Jessee Canady dec two dollars & 50 asfeesfor making settlement
Jun 28 1857 S. G. Watkins
[Identified on the reverse as "no 11", this strip measures 7 3/4 x 2 1/4 inches.]
Received of Joel Hill as Admr of the Estate of Jesse Canneday as fees one dollars on 1st anual Settlement Jany 28th 1857
C. M. Freeman J.P.C.
[The reverse side of the settlement, folded into fourths, appears first.]
Filed Jun 28 1857
1st Anual Settlement
of Joel Hill Admr
of the Estate
of Jessey Cannedy
Now at this day comes Joel Hill Administrator of the estate of Jessey Cannday dec for his
1st anull settlement which is in the following words & figures at the adjourned time of the Probate court Dr Cr BalJun 28 1857 $ $ $
To amomt of sale bill 665.30
To amount of Notes as per
Inventory 23.11
By amount paid Davis W Johnson
as per voucher N 1 148.00
By amount paid G H Farris
as per voucher No 2 7.00
By amount paid Job S Marshall
as per voucher No 3 9.00
By amount paid Jessie Allread
as per voucher No 4 13.75
By amount paid E F Parkins
as per voucher N 5 31.80
By amount paid J R Sands
as pr voucher no 6 25.00
[Payment of $200 to widow crossed through]
By amount paid E S Washington
as pr voucher No 7 2.00
By amount paid S G Watkins
as per voucher No 8 1.00
By a per cent on $237.55 14.25
By amt for servces [14.00 crossed out here]
per voucher No 9 14.00
By amt paid S G Watkins
as per voucher No 10 2.30
By amt paid Coms fees
as per voucher 11 1.00
Balns Due Estate $268.50 $419.90
J. C. Hill Admr
[These next vouchers appear on the 2nd Annual Settlement report. This first voucher measures 7 1/4 x 2 inches and is identified on the reverse side as "No 1".]
Received of Joel C. Hill administrator of Jesse Canada deceased two dollars this the 17th June AD 1857 William B. Jones
[This next strip of paper, measuring 17 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches, is identified on the reverse side as "No. 2"]
Received of Joel C. Hill A D M ofJesse Canada deceased twenty four
dollars the 3th day of June AD 1857
Mary ann + Canada
[The reverse side identifies this as "No 3". Also written on the back: "Now at this". The word "attending" below looks more like "attmomy" but attending is logical.]
Estate of Jessee Canaday due
To Joel Hill Dr
To 6 pr cent on $325.90-- $ 19.55
" attending Probate court 2 days
at Jan term 1858 2.00
$ 21.55
[Identified on the reverse side as voucher "no 4", this strip is 7 3/4 x "almost" 3 inches . The month of the bill is questionable.]
Recd of Joel C Hill Admr two dollars & fifty cts as fees for making settlement & other business
Nvr 4 1858 S G Watkins
[The reverse side identifies this 7 3/4 x 2 1/2 strip of paper as voucher "no 5"]
Received January 5th 1858 of Joel. C. Hill Administrator of Jesse Canaday deceased one dolla as fees of court C M Freeman J.P.C
[This ledger paper was folded into four sections. ("cur" appears above the middle "a" in Canaday)]
January term 1858
2 Anul Settlement
of Joel C Hill
Admr of the
Estate of Jessee Canaday
Now at this day comes Joel C Hill Administrator of the estate of Jessee Canaday deceased in the Probate Court in and for Sullivan County State of Missouri at the January term of Said court to make his
second anull Settlement with Said estate which is in the words & figures following towitJanuary 5th 1858 Dr Cr Bal
To amount due on former $ $ $
settlement filed Jan 1857 419.90
By amount paid Wm B Jones
as pr voucher No 1 2.00
By amount paid Mary Canaday
as per voucher n 2 24.00
By amount paid Self as Admr
as pr voucher No 3 21.55
By amount paid S G Watkins
as pr voucher no 4 2.50
By amount paid C M Freemen
as pr voucher No 5 1.00
Joel C Hill $51.05
Balance due estate $368.85
[There seems to have been no business transacted between the second and third settlement accounts for this is all Hill reported to the court. The ledger paper is a full 6 3/4 x 10 1/2 page folded into half two times.
The reverse side reads:Joel C. Hill admr of the
Estate of Jesse Cannaday
3d Annual Settlement
January 1859
Now at this day comes Joel C. Hill as administrator of the Estate Jesse Canaday deceased to, make his third annual settlement of said Estate, which is in the words & figures following to wit.
In the probate Court of Sullivan County Mo
Jany Term 1859 Dr Cr Bal
To amount due on Second
annual Settlement of Jany 5th 1858 368.85
J C Hill Administrator
[In what must have been a major case of misunderstanding, Joel Hill appears to think he filed the final estate settlement account April 1859. Only two vouchers are mentioned and there is no indication of a distribution of the estate to the heirs. This "fill in the blank" form had an attached newspaper ad in the upper left hand corner. Italics represents the handwritten entries.]
Milan, Mo., 1859
Mr J. C. Hill, admr Est Jesse Canada
For inserting advertisement in "MILAN FARMER" newspaper,
4 insertions 4 weeks consecutively, in Volume 2 Numbers
15, 16, 17, 18 dated respectively Feb 16, 23, and March 2
and 9 - 1859.
First insertion 1 squares at $1.00 per square $1.00
Subsequent do. 1 " 50 cts " 1.50
Received payment
County of Sullivan } SS
I, William H. Craig, on my oath state, that I am publisher of the "Milan Farmer," a weekly newspaper, printed at Milan, in said county and State, and that the annexed publication was made in said newspaper, as in the above account stated.
W A Craig
Sworn to and subscribed before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid.
on this the 6 Day of April 1859 O.P.Phillips J P
[The reverse side of this 7 3/4 x 2 inch strip of paper (torn along the bottom edge instead of cut) identifies this as voucher "No. 2"]
Received April 7th 1859 of Joel C Hill administrator of Jesse Cannaday deceased one dollar as fees of Court. C M Freeman Judge P.C.
The reverse side of this "final settlement" reads:]Joel C Hill
To } final Settlement
Estate Jesse Cannady
Sullivan Probate Court
April Term 1858
Filed April 7 1859.
Now at this day comes Joel C Hill as administrator of the Estate of Jesse Cannady to make final Settlement of Said Estate which is in words and figures following to wit.
In the Probate Court of Sullivan County
April Term AD 1859.
$ Dr $ Cr $ Ball
To amount on last annual Settlement 368.85
By Cash paid W H Craig as per voucher No 1 2.50
By Cash paid Probate Court asperoucher 2 1.00
Ballance due $365.35
J C Hill administrator
[Perhaps the court realized on its own, or perhaps Mary Ann "sued" the administrator for hers and her children's inheritance. Whatever initated this action,
Joel C. Hill was summoned back to court and ordered to finish his job. This next "fill in the blank" form was folded in half, with words written on each of the two folded back sides. The handwriting in the second statement is difficult and a portion of the page is torn. I'm sure the word is "swear", but it looks more like the one written.]Joel C. Hill
To }
I sorven the within citation _____ the within named defendant Joel C Hill
to Reading th Same in th prisince and hearng of the within named Joel
C Hill March 28th 1860 W H Bunutt
sherffs fee 50 sheriff of S C Mo
[The citation is a "fill in the blank" form; italics represents the parts filled in by the court clerk and signed by the judge.]
County of Sullivan }
administrator of the estate of Jesse Cannaday
Deceased, GREETING:
You are hereby required to present your accounts, as Administrator as aforesaid, for settlement, at the next term of the Probate Court of SULLIVAN County, to be holden at MILAN, in the County of Sullivan, aforesaid, on the 2nd day of April 1860 and show cause why an attachment should not issue against you, for not exhibiting your accounts, for settlement, at the term at which you were required by law to make your settlement.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name,
and affixed the seal of the Court of said County, this
20th day of March 1860.
R S Strahan Ju__
[By this time Mary Ann had moved with her young children to Macon County onto the 37.28 acres land grant she received April 14, 1856. Perhaps some of Jesse's children by his previous marriages went with her. It's curious that none of those children are mentioned by name in these estate records, unless the Mary Canada below is Jesse’s daughter rather than his widow. Circumstantial evidence suggests Roman Hill’s wife was "a" Mary Canada. Mary Ann was left with six children, all under the age of eleven when Jesse died, but he reportedly had at least two other sons who were still teenagers. Alfred Bealmear was a Macon County neighbor of Mary Ann and the "Jesse Canada Probate Records" filed in Macon County are Bealmear's guardianship reports. The reverse side of these two slips of paper identify them as "Voucher No 1 and 2".]
July 10th, 1860 -- Recd. of Joel C.. Hill two hundred and twenty four dollars and fiftyfive cents in full of the estate of Jesse Canada deceased due to James Q. Canada Alexander Canada, Lafayette Canada, Columbus Canada, Lucinda Canada, Jesse Ann Canada. given under my hand the day and date above writen Alfred BealmearGuardian of the above heirs
July 10th 1860 -- Recd of Jeel. C. Hill thirty-seven dollars and twentytwo cents in full of all claims against the estate of Jesse Canada deceased this day and date above writen
Mary Canada
Roman W. Hill
By Alfred Bealmear
Power of attorney
[The reverse side of this 4th settlement account reads:]
Joel C. Hill
Admr Jesse Kenndy
4th Settlement
Filed Oct.
R. S. Strahan
Judge P.C.
[The writer spelled the surname with a "K", then corrected it to a "C"]
Joel C. Hill Administrator of the estate of Jesse Canady deceased in account with said estate.To Amount due on Third
Annual settlement of January 3, 1859 $368.85
Interest on same at 10 per cent
until July 10. 1860. 18.44
Cr By voucher No 1 224.55
" " " " 2 37.22
387.29 261.77
Interest on same from July 10, 125.32
1860 up to this date at 10 per cent 4.13
Balance Due estate $129.65
Joel C. Hill
The next group of vouchers appears on the final settlement account. The first one, a 7 1/4 x 2 1/2 strip of paper, is marked on the reverse side as "no 1." The original day of the month (looks like 13) is scratched out (at least the 3 is) with "something" written above -- looks more like "A n" than a number.]$200.00 Sullivan County December 1_ 1855
Received of Joel C. Hill administrator
of Jesse Canada deceased in property at
the appraised value two hundred dollars. her
Mary A X Canada
[Identified on the reverse side as "voucher No 2" with the additional note "Making Settle" nearby:]
Recd of Joel C. Hill amr of the estate of Jesse Cennedy deceased the Sum of Two Dollars &fifty cents for making out final Settlement. Jany 8th 1860 G. D. Burgess
[This 6 1/2 x 4 1/4 "fill in the blank" form has, in the upper left hand corner, an attached copy of the newspaper ad reporting the final settlement. Identified on the back side as "Voucher No 2", it surely is the one identified as "printers fees", but why was the line drawn through it? Italics represents the handwritten section of the form and the newspaper ad follows.]
MILAN, MO., Jan 7th 1861
Mr Joel C. Hill Adm
For inserting advertisement in "MILAN FARMER" newspaper, 4 insertions,
4 weeks consecutively, in Volume 4, Numbers 3,4,5,6, dated
respectively Dec 12, 19, 26 1861 Jan 2d 1861
First insertion squares at per square $
Subsequent do " "
Affidavit $2.50
Received payment: W H Craig
County of Sullivan } SS
I, William H. Craig, on my oath state, that I am publisher of the "MILAN FARMER," a weekly newspaper, printed at Milan, in said county and State, and that the annexed publication was made in said newspaper, as in the above account stated.
W H Craig
Sworn to and subscribed before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace within and for the County and State aforesaid.
January 7th 1861 M. B. SSitler JP
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
interested that the undersigned ad-
ministrator of the estate of Jesse Canna-
day deceased, that at the January term
1861, of the Probate Court of Sullivan
county, he will make application for a
final settlement of his administration of
said estate. J.C. HILL, Adm'r.
Dec 12, 1860
[Identified as "No. 3" on the reverse side of this claim, the first receipt for $1.00 is surely the "Voucher No 3 Probate fees" which has struck through, suggesting it wasn't paid. The second receipt, also identified on the reverse side as "No. 3" is the one paid in the final settlement.]
Received of Joel C. Hill administrator of the estate of Jesse Kennedy deceased the sum of One Dollar. Probate fees. Oct 1, 1860 R. S. Strahan
Judge P.C.
Received of Joel C. Hill Admr of Jesse Cannady
Deceased two Dollars fees P.C. January 9th 1861
R. S. Strahan
Judge P.C.
[The reverse of this 7 3/4 x 4 1/4 strip of paper identifies it as "voucher No 4".]
Received of Joel C Hill admr of the Estate of Jesse Cannady Two dollars &fifty cents for making annual Settlement of Said Estate. Jany 9th 1861R D Morrison
[This final page is folded in half length-wise and then folded in half again. A portion of one of the middle sections is torn away. Very little is missing from the settlement statement, but some words are missing from the statement on the reverse-side. ]
Admr Jess
Last annual Settlement
Filed Jan 9th 1861.
R. S. Strahan
Judge P. Ct
Joel C. Hill Administrator of the estate of Jesse Cannady deceased in account with said estate &
for his final settlement -- Dr CrTo amount due on last annual Settlement $129.65
Interest on same at 10 per cent from Oct 1860. 3.25
By Voucher No 1 Widows recp 200.00
" 2 Printers fees [lined out all the way across] 2.50
" 3 Probate fees [lined out all the way across] 1.00
" 2 Making Settle 2.50
" " 3 Probate fees 2.00
" " 4 " making Settlement 2.50
$ 132.90 $206.00
Balance due admr 132.90
J. C. Hill Administrator $73. 10