[Writing was an art in the 1700's, and the writer of this will sometimes put an
extra little curly-cue on the end of some words which looks like an "e". He
would sometimes do it on a word and when that word was repeated later he would
not do it. One of the words in this will that he did this to was STAR, which
made it look like STARE. A much later clerk copied the wills into will books
and subsequently thought the name was JOHN STARE. This will can be found in
Will Book J, Volume I, page 233, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I have copied
it as true to form, including misspellings (with corrections in parenthesis
where I thought it was needed) as I was able to do. Don Claypool]
Will of John Star
In the name of god amen I John Star of Manahan Township and County of Lanchester
(Lancaster), being weak of body but having perfit mind and memory thanks be to
god therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is
apoynted for all men once to dye do make and ordain this my Last Will and
Testament first of all I give and recommend my soul in to the hands of god who
give it to me and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian Like and
deasent manner at the descresion of my Executors nothing doubting but I shall
Receive the same again at the resurection by the mighty power of god and as
touching such worldy estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me with in
this life I give devise and dispose in the way and manner following it is my
will and I do order it so that first of all my just debts and funeral charges
payd and satesfyed.
Itam: I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Moses Star a loom and reeds and a
hand bridell and _?_ matak (mattock) a falling ax, two _?_ with _?_ , breed sow
and five yards of liney and gradgiat (gradient) Coat and brittches (britches).
Itam: I give unto my well beloved son John Star the third parts (third parts
meaning two thirds) of my plantashon (plantation) I now live on with the half of
the done hors (apparently half of a team of dun colored horses) two cows and
three calves the one cow Black and white and Eother (the other) a black cow
with white face the plow and all the Iorons (Irons?) and my Bed and Bed clothes
and a gun and my part of the hogs and one sorrel mayor (mare)
Itam: I give and bequeath into my well beloved daughter Hanna Star the other
third of the land and the other half of the done hors (apparently half of a team
of dun colored horses) and one cow red and white and
40 yards of linen and lace and bed clothes and twenty yards of green linen.
And if Hanna Star weds and doth sell the land it shall bee to her brother
John Star for fifteen pounds
Itam: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Rose Star one white
hors (horse) and a bed and bed clothes and one brown cow and one yearlin
(yearling) black and white one calf and 40 yards of white linen and twenty yards
of green linen and a _?_
Itam: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Jean Star one sorrel
mayor (mare) with a white face 10 years old past only for her sons use John
Smith, woll (wool) of fore (4) sheep against next spring.
Itam: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Mary Star seventeen
yards of green ___ hundred
And this makes my last will and testament Detesting Renouncing all other wills
and testments made by me and for me and doo publish and declare this to be my
last will and testament and no other.
Sealed published and declared and pronounced this sixth day of Jnuary (January)
in the year iof our lord god one thousand seven hundred and forty eight, nine.
Signed sealed in the presence
of us the witnesses:
Matthew Dill John (x) Star
Jacob (x) Pape
Whereas Matthew Dill and Jacob Pape appeart before me Geo. Swoope upon ther
Qulivigation (there Qualification) saying that his will was signed and sealed by
John Star and that he was in good senses.
Sworn before me April the 27, 1749.
Geo. Swoope Matthew Dill
Jacob (x) Pape