Lovick Pierce Ogletree.htm

Lovick Pierce Ogletree
First wife: Martha Ann Starr
Second wife: Sarah (Gilkerson) Newton
Third wife: Mary (Maxwell ?) Bennett

Martha Ann Starr, born 3 May 1822 in Wilkes County, Georgia, was the youngest of Benjamin and Charlotte’s eight known children. She married Lovick Pierce Ogletree 30 November 1837 in Fayette County. [Ingmire citing court records] However, an Ogletree Bible entry gives 31 October 1837 as the marriage date. This same Bible records the birth of Lovice (sic) P. Ogletree 27 August 1811 and identifies him as son of Absolum Ogletree and Elender his wife. L. P. was undoubtedly named for the charismatic young Methodist minister who served the area in and around neighboring Greene County starting in 1809. By all appearances, the parents of this couple were close friends for many years and the difference in their ages invites the romantic image of L. P. waiting for Martha to grow up. Although a prior marriage for him is always possible, one was not entered into the Ogletree Bible Family Record.

March 1824 Lovick P. appears within the Wilkes County estate records of his grandfather, John Ogletree Sr., who died in 1822. [Davidson] The records show John Senior’s grandson John G. Ogletree, who was Lovick’s eldest brother, was appointed guardian over his five younger siblings despite the fact their father (John Senior’s son Absolum) was living. That confused Ogletree researchers for years. Those same estate papers show Lovick P. received his full inheritance in 1832.

As Pierce Ogletree, Lovick was among grantees identified as a family of Ogletrees and their heirs in the 1830 Fayette County deed with Benjamin Starr as grantor. [ http://www.hiddenancestors.com/wilkesga/deed_Star-Ogelree.htm ] Family members insist he was known as "Pierce" within the family, but most court records show his name as (variously-spelled) Lovick P. or simply "L. P. Ogletree."

Martha’s death was reported in the 27 December 1850 issue of The Southern Christian Advocate : "Died in Fayette co. December 1, 1850 Mrs. Martha Ann Ogletree, wife of Pierce Ogletree in the 27th year of her age; left five children and husband. John Simmons. " [Holcomb] This date differs by a year from that entered (1849) into the Bible record.

In 1851 Lovic P. is listed among the trustees of County Line Church who gave Joshua Elder $1 in exchange for the tract where the County Line meeting house then stood. The Ogletree Bible is our only source for the date (5 October 1852) of Lovick’s marriage to Sarah Newton. Although not stated within the entry, Sarah was the widow of James A. Newton. They were living in Newton County when the 1850 census was taken; James died in that county about 1852. Elsewhere, the Bible record identifies Sarah as daughter of Robert and Margarett Gilkerson.

If this researcher is reading correctly, the Spalding County Grantor and Mortgage Index [Ellis & Ellis] shows Lovice P. Ogletree selling 30 acres to his brother Absalom in 1852; the land had previously been located in the 4th district of Henry County. Then in 1857 he sold 80 acres, originally in the 4th District of Henry County, to his nephew B[enjamin] F[ranklin] Ogletree, son of Hope Hull and Frances (Starr). In 1868 L. P. Ogletree sold 83 acres to his son, H. P. July 1867 Lovick and his brother Absalom took the hated Oath of Allegiance required of all men living in the southern states.

According to the Ogletree Bible Sarah (Gilkerson) died in Spalding County 23 August 1885. Lovick married again, for his will, written 25 March 1887, names his wife Mary E. and leaves her $200 plus everything she brought into the marriage. [Ellis & Ellis] Without offering a source Ancestry lists a Henry County marriage 29 October 1885 between L. P. Ogletree and Mary Bennett. This Mary would seem to be the one found on the 1880 Henry County census (widow, age 32) with her widowed mother, Eliza. Maxwell, age 72. [Fone citing 1880 Henry Co. census, McDonough District, dwelling 47/family 48] In 1870 the then 22 year old Mary E. is found with her 70 year old husband James R. Bennett. [Fone citing Henry Co. census McDonough, Roll 157, page 442, dwelling 408/family 408] His claim, filed with the Southern Claims Commission for reimbursement of personal property lost during the Civil War, proves the 22 year old Mary was indeed his wife. A summary within the claims file clarifies the situation: "The present widow waited on the old lady during her last illness and after her death the old man, having no relatives was alone, he married the present Mrs. Bennett." Although everything seems to fit for this widow Bennett as the same one who married L. P. Ogletree, caution is urged until corroborating evidence is located.

The other legacies mentioned in his will were simple: after debts paid, everything was to be equally divided between his children. However, Benjamin A. is the only child identified by name, and that because he was appointed executor of the will. The exact date of Lovick’s death, 27 March 1887, is found within a petition for permission to probate his will. [Hunt citing Spalding Co. Minute Bk C p. 488] The children of Martha Ann (Starr) and Lovick Pierce Ogletree were all born in Fayette County Georgia. There is no known issue from Lovick’s other two marriages.

1. Katharine Gillum born 22 November 1838, died 1 September 1892 is buried at County Line Cemetery. Her tombstone reads: "Murphy, Catherine C. Ogletree, Nov 22, 1838 – Sep 1, 1892, d/o Lovic P. and Martha Ogletree w/o Thomas H. Murphy m. Dec 7, 1854." [Armchair Researcher p. 167] Although buried under her first husband’s surname, the Ogletree Bible entry indicates Katharine remarried: "Kitty G. Murphy married James M. Coleman 18 December 1869." [Ellis] However, their official marriage record reads in part: "I certify James M. Coleman and Mrs. Catherine Murphy were duly joined in matrimony by me the 16th day of December 1869. /s/ J. H. Elder, ME." [Coleman] The presiding minister’s sisters, Mary and Elizabeth R. were married to Katharine’s Uncles, John Henry and William D. Starr.

2. Sarah Wingfield born 19 November 1840, died 4 August 1918. Her first husband was William Jefferson Johnson. They married 3 January 1858 and then he died January 1863. [Bible] She married 2nd John M. C. Coleman January 16, 1869. [Ellis citing the Bible record] The on-line Fayette Co. Marriage Records errs in giving the date of their marriage as 28 July 1871 for they were married by the time the 1870 Spalding Co. census was taken. [Fone] Another census record gives us the approximate year for her third marriage, to James Maxwell, in 1887. The 1900 Haralson County, Georgia census indicates they had been married 13 years. [Fone]

3. Philemon, born 27 November 1842 [Bible] is recorded as "H[enry] P." in another family record entry. He died 7 Feb 1921 Griffin, Georgia. The Bible entry notes his marriage 19 March 1865 to Mrs. N. J. Ogletree. She was nee: Nancy Jane Bridges and widow of his cousin James A. Ogletree. James is identified as son of Thomas and Nemisis (Bennett) Ogletree. [Lamb] Henry and Nancy had four daughters. [Ellis]

4. "Charlott Francis" (sic) was born 13 September 1845. [Bible] The "13" [Ellis] could easily be a "3" or some other number. Charlotte’s first marriage was short-lived: "Wm. M. Crouch and Charlotte Ogletree was maryed April 18th 1865." And then under deaths: "Wm M. Crouch departed this Life Oct the 3rd 1865." [Bible] "Franklin Wadkins and Mrs. Charlotte F. Crouch, daughter of L. P. & Martha A. Ogletree Was Maryed January 25th 1871." [Bible]

5. Benjamin Absalom born 12 September 1847, died 19 April 1922 in Fayette County. [Laney citing pension application for dates and 1850 Fayette Co. census for "Absalom"] Undoubtedly he was named for both his grandfathers. Benjamin A. married 21 November 1867 Martha J. Hightower. [Bible] They were cousins, for Martha Jane was daughter of Frances Kisiah Ogletree, thus grand-daughter of Hope Hull and Frances (Starr.) After Martha’s death in 1904, Benjamin married as his second wife Sally Heflin. [Laney] His obituary, published in the Griffin Daily News and Sun, Thursday Afternoon 20 April 1922 reads:

Brooks, Ga., April 20. – B. A. Ogletree, one of the most prominent citizens of this section, died at his home near Brooks Wednesday morning at eight o’clock, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Ogletree was about seventy-five years old. He was a Confederate veterans [sic] and resided in Spalding and Fayette counties all of his life. He was almost a life time member of the Methodist church, being prominent in its affairs. Funeral services over the body of the deceased were held Thursday morning, conducted by Rev. W. E. Brown, of the Inman charge. Interment was made in County Line cemetery at Birdie, Halsten Brothers having charge of the arrangements. Mr. Ogletree is survived by his wife and four children, being Mrs. Lillie Lender, Mrs. Annie Harkness and Franklin Ogletree, of Spalding county, and Thomas H. Ogletree of Brooks." [Crim]


The Armchair Researcher, vol. 1, No. 3, September 1980, pages 166-171. Tombstone Inscriptions from County Line Methodist Church.

Coleman, Daryl, web master. http://www.dkco.com/gen/starr.html

Crim, Joe, submitter, Ogletree genforum #479 posted 3 Feb 2001

Davidson, Grace Gilliam compiler. Early Records of Georgia: Wilkes County in 2 volumes. Southern Historical Press reprint, Greenville, SC 1992.

Ellis, Bob and Ellis, Linda. Transcribers.






Fone, Rhoda researcher

Holcomb, Brent H. compiler. Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate 1837-1860; 1861-1867

Hunt, Jan, Clerk of Court, Spalding County, Georgia in letter to Mrs. Patricia Laney 2003.

Ingmire, Frances T. compiler. Fayette County Georgia Marriage Records 1823-1850.

Laney, Patricia Ogletree, researcher and descendant. Ogletree genforum #497.

Ogletree Bible family records shared among researchers; Vivian Westmoreland credited.

Ptomey, Kyser Cowart author. John Ogletree Sr. 1766-1822 etc.