William C Hebbe
The Children of Christoph and Sophia Hebbe:
William Christopher
Christopher Hebbe was born 11 April 1861 near Medina, Jefferson County,
Kansas and died 14 September 1941 near Dover, Kingfisher County,
Martha Jane Potter was born 6 May 1869 in Buchanan
County, Missouri
and died 12 November 1961 at her Dover, Oklahoma home. Both
are buried in the cemetery near Hennessey. She was the daughter
of Andrew Jackson Potter and Sarah Womach. [to be Linked to AJP]
Mattie was only three or four years old when her parents joined other
relatives near Oskaloosa in Jefferson County, Kansas.
Where or
how Will and Mattie met isn’t known, but a treasured family
heirloom, his letter to "Friend Mattie," reminds us that their
courtship took place in a more formal era:
The two were married 20 December 1885 at her father’s home near Perry by Presbyterian minister Thos. H. Dinsmore. [Jefferson County, Kansas Marriage Book E page 237.] According to the license Will was then 24 years old and Mattie only 16. Will's parents were not in favor of the union.
Those first several years were financially tough ones for the young
couple. Luckily, Will was willing to do whatever work he could
find to support his growing family. The railroad probably
provided the most lucrative pay for someone with Will’s knowledge
of carpentry and blacksmith skills. However, this meant spending time
away from his loved ones. Two surviving letters from fall 1889
show how difficult this absence was for him. Granddaughter Glendon
(Hebbe) Starr commented these letters reflect a side of her grandfather
she never saw.
The evening of September 22 Will wrote from Hoxie, Kansas: “I did get to Colby last night …. This is more of a job
than I thought for the man he sent with me got sick yesterday and left
the most of the work for me to do So it was Pretty hard. I expect to
start back to Salina Tuesday morning and will get there that night.
Will go back on a freight …There was a dance in the town we
stoped at night before last I looked on till 9 O.Clock and then went to
bed. They had regular hoe down. … Well I guess you have
mooved by this time and like your new place better than the old
one. … How are the children getting along and how is
Mattie getting along and did you have a good time out at Mr Roberts did
you go to see Abb & May? has Pa got back yet? What is
Otto & Jaimie doing? “
Money -- how much was coming in and how much was going out -- was
always on their minds. Will concludes his September 22
letter: “Has Calvin gone to Colorado yet and did you
get that $2.73 cts from them or did you say anything to them about
it. I wont have a very big board bill to pay at the car [he apparently lodged in a railcar used as employee quarters] this
month $7 or 8 dollars is all.” Then on October 9 he wrote: “I am in Salina to night & was here last
night But was in McPherson Night before last. Don’t know where I
will be tomorrow night. Well I got my check today and will send you $35
… I will have to Keep the rest to pay my debts I owe $16
to one man and about $8 for board and I will have to have some for I am
running around all of the time and I will have to get some clothes. But
I guess I can give you some more the next time are you going to get you
a bureau?”
In September 1893 Will, his brother Albert and
brother-in-law Alan “Bud” Potter made plans to participate
in the second race for land in Oklahoma. They made it all the way
to Arkansas City, but Will’s illness forced the group to return
home before the event. Will composed this letter September
7: “were Just 6 ½ days on the road we made good time and
our horses Stood it real well. We drove over some of the poorest
country I ever saw we are camped in the park east of town we cant
cross the strip in the wagon and it is 100 miles across the east end
the way we would have to go. The car fare is across the strip
… There are at least 200 wagons camped in this park and there is
some South of town. … Hoff manns hay come to $5.30 there was
2280 lbs at 22 ½ cts per lb.” Will added a
postscript before mailing it the next day: “I am not
feeling well at all. I took a dose of Pills yesterday & a dose of
medicine for the headache. Ab and Budd went west along the line to look
at the country It costs $32 for a car … Horses are Selling
Here for $10 to as much as a man wants to pay. I wish I had come on the
The fact Will didn’t make the run didn’t
stop him from acquiring a tract in the Cherokee Outlet. According to Irene
(Hebbe) Cline, he and his brother Albert contacted a realtor in
Wichita, Kansas who showed them claims that were for sale.
“My father got his farm by buying this relinquishment … I
don’t know what Uncle Albert did; he lived 13 miles from where we
lived.” A later statement by Will gives us the date of this
trip as February 1894. Neither the name of the claimant nor how much
Will paid for the claim is recorded. The official record merely
reflects Will’s appearance at the Land Office in Enid early June
1894 completing the first paperwork and paying the first fees.
“My father and his brother brought their implements, cattle,
whatever they had, on a freight to Mulhall.” By July he was
breaking sod on the 160 acre tract in Marshall Township.
Homestead records tell us the family arrived October 27,
1894, making that the official date for beginning the required five
continuous years of residency. “My mother and we children
and my Aunt May and her daughter Ortie got off this train at Mulhall
and Dad and Uncle Albert were there to meet us. It was along in
the evening and that’s all I can remember of that. I do
remember when we came to Aunt Lida’s place. … We went to
her place and lived in a dugout until Dad got things fixed there.
The place that he bought cornered with Aunt Lida’s place with a
road between the two. We were in one section and hers was in the
South section just across the road.”
Granddaughter Glendon (Hebbe) Starr remembered her Aunt Irene pointed
towards a “low spot with a bank around it and [saying] the dugout
was built into the bank. It was visible once shown [to us]; otherwise
one wouldn’t recognize it as a dugout. It was about 100 to
150 feet from where Lida’s house / post office was located.
Will’s land was across the road and his house was about ½
mile away.”
The Hebbe house started out as two rooms. The family of
four children lived in one room; the crop seeds, which had to be kept
dry, were stored in the other room. At times the school teacher
boarded with them. Irene: “She stayed at our
house part of the time and I don’t know how she did it. She had
no more space than we had.”
We believe the picture below was taken at Christmas 1897.
Each girl is holding a doll, which presumably are their Christmas
gifts, and Walter is giving a puppya ride in his new wagon. It
seems likely that the children are wearing their best clothes,
too. The family is standing in front of the original house, which
faced south
Diabetes runs in this family, but the numerous
complications (including too large babies) and preventative care was
then unknown. Mattie had not fully recovered from Walter’s
birth in 1893. A Kansas City physician, Dr. Minor, was known to treat such cases
and Mattie wanted to consult with him. Early in 1897 Mattie took the
younger children to stay with relatives in Kansas; Will and Georgia,
the only child who was then of school age, remained in Oklahoma. As
we learn from remarks in several extant letters, paying for
the procedure and follow-up care was the major concern of Will and
Mattie. February 8: “Dearest Mattie. I
received your letter this morning … I guess I will write home
and see if they will let you have some money. I don’t want you to
wait any longer than is necessary. If you think best to go to Mosouri
all right. If you can get the money from Aunt Liss we can pay her back
some time. Does that Dr. in St. Joe guarantee a cure before he
wants his pay or do you know!” The next evening:
“I wrote home this morning and ask them to let you have some
money. If they let you have it I would go to Mossouri and see that Dr.
I would go to his house and stay untill you are well. Tell him your
circonstances and find out the least he will charge. I think he will do
it for $50. You will have to leave Walter with the folks. Get that
valice from Carl, and have it checked the same as you did your trunk
and then you wont have to bother with it. But take your Guitar, for It
wont be much trouble. [This was the first the younger generations knew
that Mattie played the guitar.] … You had better get you some
goods and make you a dress before you go for I know you will need
On March 12: “You said
in this last letter that you was ready to come home. I haven’t
got the money to send. But will do the best I can. But if you have
decided to have the operation before you come. All right. If you
don’t feel strong enough I don’t want you to undertake it
But if you feel able the sooner you go the quicker you will get well.
But I will give you your own way. But If you would rather come home
first all right. Get some money from your folks or John and I will send
it – back as soon as I get it. So if you come home let me know
what day to meet you. I sowed the onion seed yesterday. …
I will go up and see John Thompson Sunday and try and sell him some of
them hogs for I don’t want to sell the calf. I wish I was able I
would come up and See you and go to the doctor with you. But it
is terrible to be poor … I suppose the children are ready
to come home.” Lida enclosed a note: “I
declare I dont know what you ought to do about coming home before you
have the operation performed. I was in hopes when you come you
would be well. Looks like if Mary would go with you it would be the
best chance you would ever have. Aunt Lis will let you have the money.
But do what you think is best but what I am afraid is you will not have
another such a good chance.
Mattie’s maternal aunt and her husband
provided the money. Malissa (Womach) Coats detailed the financial
arrangements in this undated letter: “was so glad you have
got through all right hope you will get entirely well. Your Pa sent us
his note & Will can pay us when he gets ready, either to uncle or
your Pa no difference which I am glad we had it to let you
have. I wish I had ben close enough to help take care of your children,
while you are down there. What is your Doctors name. I hope
I will get to see you before you go home. Don’t be in a hurry
stay till you get out of danger I rec a letter from Lida today
they are getting along all right.” Will wrote April
13: “Dearest Mattie. I received your most welcome
letter … Must say I felt good when I read it to think you are
coming home & so soon and sound and well. … You never
said how much money you wanted. I haven’t got much. … Well
how do you like city life? I begin to think life in the country was too
slow for you, and you was not coming back.”
The treatment--presumably surgery--was sucessful and Mattie was very thankful, as we can infer from the doctor's reply to her thank-you letter.
Will and Walter journeyed to Kansas for a combined
Christmas holiday and business trip in 1899. December 1: “We got here yesterday morning all right. We walked
from Lecompton got to Johns before day light. Mary had breakfast about
ready. They took us up home. Had turkey for dinner. Pa came too town
Wednesday for us. They thought we were not coming … Walter and I
went over to carls place this morning waltir didn’t like the
place much. I am at marys now and she is getting supper. Mary looks big
and stout. I will go to town to night and stay with Carl and go
to K. C. in the morning at 6:30 for the plug don’t get to Perry
untill 9 I was in town this afternoon I saw lots of old
December 25: “I come to Perry Sat night
John met me at the train, and I went out home with him Stayed all night
Carl brought me out home yesterday and Santa claus came last night
brought me two shirts and some candy brought Walter a suit of clothes
necktie, ball, overshoes, watch and candy. Walter is tickled and he
could not eat much breakfast I got your letter and the money all
right. … I guess I will go to Lecompton to day and find
out when the freight leaves there. So I can ship the calves. I will
have to get some lumber and make some crates to ship them in. and I
will find out then what day I will come home. I think I will be
home Thursday noon but will let you know … P.S.
Lecompton I will leave here Wednesday noon but will have to
go with the calves. Will get to Perry [Oklahoma Territory] sometime
Friday you will have to send my team to Perry Friday if the roads are
good let them bring in a load of wheat for I will have to pay the
freight when I get there you will have to take the buggy and go
up and Tell Ab to come to Perry Friday after his if you don’t
feel like going send Same for I cant get a letter out to him in time
for him to get it. Yours W. C. H.”
April 20, 1901 was the designated day for Will to complete the final
steps towards his and Mattie’s dream of owning their own land. He
and two neighbors, whose sworn testimony would support Will’s
claims, journeyed to the Land Office in Enid, Oklahoma Territory.
The order of testimony is not known; a clerk filled in the form as the
questions were answered, then each man signed his name to the
document. John Shields attested Will began working his tract in
July 1894, but added that Will didn’t establish his permanent
residence until October. Will’s improvements included a frame
house, granary, barn and a combined hen house, cave [i.e. a root and/or storm
cellar], 2 wells and 4 acres of trees. He estimated the value of all
this at $600. James Claunch corroborated Shield’s
statement, but added 60 acres in pasturage under his list of
Will’s testimony varied from the others in the date
of his arrival: April 1894. He was also more precise when
describing the improvements: His present home ] was 12x20 feet with an addition of __ [unreadable]. It had a shingle roof, 3 rooms, 4 doors and 5
windows. The combined granary and barn were 26x34 feet; the hen
house was 18x12 feet; and the cave [i.e., cellar] was 8x10 feet. He had 2 wells,
a 4 acre orchard and 26 shade trees. 60 acres was pastureland,
but only 2 or 3 of those acres were fenced. 90 acres was in
cultivation. He estimated his improvements at $500 or $600. Will
further attested that he, his wife and four children had resided
continuously on the land since October 27, 1894. In 1894 he
had cultivated 7 acres; in 1895, 30 acres; and in 1896, 70 acres.
Since 1897, he said, he had cultivated 90 acres for a total of seven crop
seasons. He described the character of his land as prairie
farming agricultural. The patent was issued 30 December
It was fortunate that Will was a good carpenter; with his skills and
considerable effort by the whole family, we can be sure, the Hebbe
property was steadily becoming a nicer home and farm:

But even with the additional space, the house must have been
cramped quarters for two adults and four good-sized offspring:
Family tradition is Will not only gave land for, but helped build, the
Potter Church, which was located at the southwest part of the farm. He undoubtedly helped build the second school
building as well. According to the history published by the
Garfield County Historical Society, the second schoolhouse for the
Potter community was erected about 1899 “across the road from
Miss Potter’s claim. … During a church service in May
1904, with a building full of people, a storm moved the building off
its foundation, before anyone could get out. About this time, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hebbe gave land adjoining the school, for building a
new church. It was built by donated labor and money, and
dedicated on Feb. 14, 1905 as a Christian Church, but later became a
non-denominational church.”
Early in March 1903 the Hebbes had a farm auction. Although they
didn’t sell everything they owned, it would appear more livestock
and farm equipment was placed on the auction block than one would
expect of someone just selling off the surplus. Farmers all over were feeling the pinch as prices of goods plummeted.
Things hit bottom in 1907 with a nation-wide "panic," as economic recessions were then called. Perhaps
there were other reasons, but this all suggests that Will and Mattie
were forced to sell their 159 ½ acre farm in 1907. (One-half
acre had been deeded to the Potter Church in 1906.) The farm was purchased
April 10, 1907 by a resident of Kansas, Mattie J. Stewart. It
appears her payment for the Hebbe land included her current interest in
a lease to land in Kansas. The original Stewart-to-Hughes lease
is dated late February 1907 and contains a schedule of payments, some
due that fall. This conclusion is based on Will’s
acknowledgment of full payment on a copy of the Stewart-to-Hughes
lease: “Sept 27th 1907 Reced payment in full W. C.
Hebbe “ On the back of the lease someone typed:
“Yates Center Kansas April 30th. 1907. I hereby
assign all my rights and title contained in this lease to W. C. Hebbe.
/s/ Mattie J. Stewart.“
Even though their Garfield County farmland sold in April, the Hebbes
appear to have remained in the area through the summer months. Little
information about this year has survived, but what did is interesting
and confusing. Towards the end of May Will approached a
contractor-builder in Tulsa for a carpentry job. The builder’s reply
informs us of another setback for the family: “Dear Sir yours of the 26th at hand glad to hear from you but
Sorey to hear that you have lost your wheat crop for that don’t
leave you mutch of a chance unles you Raise cotton.”
Work in Tulsa was offered on condition Will join the union. In a
letter dated 6 February 1985 Irene wrote: “I know what hard
times were in a New Country. When Dad was not farming the land he
worked for .50 cents per day if he could find a job. I remember one
year he took his team & wagon & shucked corn near Ponca City.
He worked at carpentry work in Tulsa. Had to join the Union to get that
job.” Based on the names of buyers at the second farm
sale, September 4, 1907, the family and some possessions remained in the
area. They sold everything else in this sale: livestock, farm
implements and household items including bedsteads, rocking chairs and
Presumably Will was in Woodson County, Kansas three weeks later when he
acknowledged receipt of payment on the Stewart-Hughes lease. The
back of the lease links Mattie Stewart to Yates Center, Kansas, located
in Woodson County, as was the leased farmland. Tract numbers tell us
the leased land was nearer the community of Rose than it was to Yates
Center. A 1934 Postal Map of Kansas shows the community of Rose was
located South and East of Yates Center. Will's postcards, dated late December
1907 and late January / early February 1908 are addressed to Mattie at
Rose, Kansas. What drew the Hebbes to Rose, Kansas? Is it merely
coincidence the lease was up March 1, 1908, the very same date Irene
gave when answering when they arrived in Dover?
Will was back in Oklahoma by late January 1908 searching for land to
purchase: “got here [Wichita, Kansas] at 8 a.m. Austin hasent
come yet I will go from here to Welington and then to Blackwell. Some
colder this a.m. …. I will go out 15 miles west in grant Co. and
not go to Tonkawa untill tomorrow …. I will go to Lucien in the
morning. Think I will make it to Blackwells tomorrow. … I
will have to go by Enid. … I will be home as soon as I
can.” He found what he was searching for near the
community of Dover in Kingfisher County. Will signed the deed 17 February 1908, taking over an
existing $1200 mortgage at 5 1/2 percent interest. [Kingfisher Co. Deed
Book 41, page 325] His monthly payment was $33. However,
September 3, 1908 he took out a new mortgage for $1500. [Kingfisher Co. Mortgage Book 30, page 451]
Glendon: "An agent brought Grandpa to Dover,
Oklahoma to show him some land. Grandpa liked what he saw, especially
the sandy loam soil in comparison to the red ground on which they
lived. The deal was made and my grandparents were on the move again.
They moved to Dover spring 1908. The family was elated with their
new home. The house was large and each child had a bedroom.
They liked the school. It was the first term lasting nine
months and there were three teachers. There were two floors; the lower
floor was for the elementary grades and the upstairs was for the higher
When they came to
Dover there was no wheat being raised here. It was cotton and corn and
things like that. Just about everyone raised a garden. There were fruit
trees here; about everything you could mention. But after the wheat got
started, the hot winds came and they didn’t have the rains that
was needed. Times were hard. Farming methods changed a
great deal. Grandpa walked behind a plow with a team of horses or
mules. Some sort of implement was needed for sowing corn or cotton. The
practice of broadcasting was used for sowing grass crops and
grass. This was done by getting handfuls of seed and casting your
arm back and forth. There was a thing that one could strap over
one’s shoulder and grind a little crank that slung the seed
around. This was used for sowing alfalfa. Manual labor was the way it
was then.”
Early in January 1911 Will and Mattie purchased a town lot within the
village of Dover. The existing building had been a
harness shop since 1904 and continued to be listed as a harness shop
until about 1913 according to John L. Lillibridge, author of 50 Years
of Dover, OT (OK) Businesses 1889-1939. Although some family members
identify Will as the operator of the harness shop, newspaper ads list
others as the owner/operator.
After a couple years without an ad
listing the address as location for any business, in 1916 The
Kingfisher Creamery announced it would be open for business one day a
week. Will and Mattie sold the lot January 22, 1920 to William T.
Anderson. [Kingfisher County Deed Book 49, page 11] He immediately
announced the opening of a new harness shop.
The fall of 1919 Mattie hastened to Marlow, Oklahoma to be with her
sister when Lida’s husband was stricken by a paralyzing stroke.
Her letters to Delma give us a melancholy insight into both
households; October 15: “Was so sorry Dady is
sick do hope he is all right now. … I did so hope he would not
have any more. It is about all I can do to stay up I feel so bad.
Now if you need me Just phone & I will come. Lida looks so bad
& is so worried, I would hate to leave her right now, but if I am
needed at home … I know it is hard for you to milk but you can
rest when I come home.” October 22: “Was so
glad to hear from you but so sorry you are afflicted like Job. Dearie
why didn’t you go to the Dr like I told you to? I am sorry for
you I know you all have a hard time … Elwood is getting worse
every day … I am glad some of your Books are coming. Dr up good
now & get well.”
Mattie wrote to Lida November 1: “I got home all O.K. found all
well but Delma I took her to the Dr today. He said he thought she would
be better in a few days … They had not dug my Potatoes yet so I
dug some today Dad & Delma went to the fair. Delma was not
able but of course she wanted to go. … We did not go to church
Delma felt so bad & looks so bad thought we had better not I feel
so Worried about her.” Alexander Elwood Buzard died
in Marlow, Oklahoma November 3, 1919. Delma Lucille Hebbe died of
complications from diabetes December 6. Insulin would not be discovered and made available commercially until the 1920s.
Will and Mattie moved to Dover shortly after Irene’s marriage
February 25, 1925. When asked where she lived after her marriage, Irene
responded: “We lived in Hennessey from January ‘til
September and then the folks wanted us to come here. You know they
bought that property down there and wanted to move to
Glendon related that Will
remodeled the home and added a chicken house, garage and
small structure to the property. They had chickens and cows and
raised a garden. There were fruit and pecan
trees. They peddled garden produce, sold eggs and had a milk route to
other town residents.
The house was within sight of the school and
teachers sometimes lived with them. They worked as school janitors
during the time when several grandchildren attended. They were
thus in a position to witness any and all inappropriate (as they deemed
it) behavior. Neither were they hesitant to report such
to the parents. Glendon complained: “They played cards
and attended dances when we weren’t around, but tattled on us for
doing so.”
remembered Will as a slender and energetic
but quiet man who was quick to anger. He had little patience with
animals although he took good care of them. He preferred horses to
mules, a subject of enduring debate with his son Walter who was equally
admiring of mules. He loved to tease his grandchildren, but was
given away by
a certain twinkle in his eye. He called Glendon and Eileen
“boys” because they hated it so. He paid them a dime
each for doing chores, faithfully paying them at the end of each
day. She remembered him reading or taking naps in a big black
leather chair. His well worn Bible was always nearby.
Glendon remembered Mattie as a strict disciplinarian who was quick to express
her criticism and thoughts; but she was equally quick to show her
pleasure. She was a good cook and Glendon remembered scrumptious
holiday meals, always at their house. For these Mattie used her
best china, glassware and silverware; the table setting was always
beautiful. She loved her car, and indeed it was hercar
for Will never
learned to drive. (Great-grandson Jerry Starr recalls her dusty 1950
Ford, which she drove almost until the end of her life. A threat
to public safety whenever she was at the wheel, when the battery died
her family told her the car was
broken and couldn't be fixed.)
She made most of her own clothes and
loved to dress up in high heeled shoes and jewelry, a trait that
daughter Irene inherited. Although
often accused of dying it, Mattie's black hair was natural. Mattie
didn't seem to mind the layers of wrinkles in her face.
After Walter’s death in 1935, Will and Mattie
paid Fern, his widow, what they considered was her portion of the value
existing mortgage in the farmland Will and Walter had purchased
together. We don't know whether Fern felt she had been mistreated, but
it was Glendon's view even decades later that a hard bargain had
been imposed on her grieving mother. It should be noted, however, that
1935 was in the Depression and money was scarce.
Will and Mattie took out a new mortgage on the land and moved
into the newly vacated farmhouse. As the family reconstructed events of
September 1, 1941 a calf escaped the fence and Will went running after
it. It was a hot day and Will grew angrier with each passing
minute. Stricken by a paralyzing stroke, he slumped to the ground. How
long before Mattie finally spotted him from a distance is not
known. Glendon reported: “He didn’t die that
same day … He never went to a hospital, but was kept at
home but never did regain consciousness. He was sort of
semi-conscious and Grandma was the only one caring for him. We went
down to see him but he didn’t realize we were there. He would
respond a little to Grandma’s voice and she fed him a fried egg
while we were there. She would have to tell him to open his mouth with
each bite. He didn’t talk but moaned and muttered all the time.
Doctors still made house calls then so he was kept at
home.” Will passed away on the 14th. The physician billed Mattie $72.00 for attending to her husband. A friend, L. E. Gibble, wrote of Will: “It is
generally known that the Dover Community and especially the church, and
most specially the Men’s Bible Class have meant a great deal more
to me because of his presence. I learned quickly to admire his
unusual physical strength, his unfaultering [sic] faith in Christ, his
loyalty to the church and his interest in very good causes. As
one among his many friends I shall miss him greatly.”
As expected, Will’s will left everything to
Mattie. In her petition to probate his will, she valued the real
estate in Kingfisher County at $12,000 and personal property at
$500. She listed the heirs as herself; the surviving
children Georgia E. Humphries (now VanWey), Leola M. Blackwell and
Irene Cline; and the two children of deceased son Walter: Eileen
Kraus and Glendon Starr. On December 31, 1945 Mattie divided her two
farms among the five heirs, but retained a life estate interest in all
the property. The 160 acre tract purchased in 1919 jointly with
Walter was divided into two 80 acre tracts. His two daughters were
given an undivided interest in the eastern 80 acre tract and Georgia
VanWey received the western 80-acre tract. The 160 acres
purchased in 1908 was likewise divided into two portions: Irene Cline
received the western 80 acres which included the house in which she and Herschel
were living, while Leola Blackwell was to get the eastern 80
acres of this tract. [Kingfisher County Deed Book 89, pages 67
– 70]
In a letter to Lida the fall of 1944 Mattie described the trip
she and Irene took back to Kansas: “We went to
see our old home ours was in fine shape & looked so pretty but
Dad’s home was all tore up & was so dirty looking. We went on up to Osklasoosa & it is just like
it was when we were kids. Our home is not changed, only they have a
pump in the well & have built a new kitchen & porch. The old
one is west of the house as a milk house & the road runs east of
the house & one north of the house goes past the Cemetary. I
would not trade places with any of them or any 2 of them. I have
paid all we owed Mortgage & all & I don’t owe any body a
thing & you know that is a lot." And in a letter posted November 22, "I have always been busy
& still am & I hope as long as I live I will be given the
strength to do what I want to do. I go to the farm once a day &
milk make my own butter & sell Cream have 50 hens get a good many
eggs. Have my house on the farm rented & so all together that pays
my bills & I am surely thankful for it. I have put up a lot
of Vegetables this summer & have my potatoes in the cellar so I
won’t need to worry.”
Mattie’s last years centered around her life
in Dover. She remained active in the Christian Church and wrote The
Dover News for the Kingfisher newspaper. Glendon:
“She loved dogs and always had one around her. The last one grew old with her. It was her
constant companion and was allowed in the house most of the time.
Her daughters were not pleased about this, but Mattie was a determined
woman who did as she was pleased.”
Mattie died 12
November 1961 at her home in Dover. The official cause of death is
broncho-pneumonia; the reason confided by family is more candid: supposedly she
developed pneumonia after becoming too weak to get out bed due to the
consequences of laxative overuse. Cemetery pictures are here.
William and Mattie were the parents of five children:
Georgia born January 23, 1887 at Perry, Kansas
Leola born November 30, 1888 at Perry, Kansas
Irene born February 25, 1891 at Perry, Kansas
Walter born March 23, 1893 at Perry, Kansas
Delma born October 11, 1904 in Oklahoma