Mary Sophia Hebbe
The Children of Christoph and Sophia Hebbe:
Mary Sophia
Mary Sophia was born 27 July 1865 near Perry, Jefferson Co., Kansas. She died 11 November 1947 at Topeka, Kansas. An image of her funeral card is here. She married John A. Stein on 9 September 1883, near Perry, Kansas. He died in 1945. A picture of Mary and John is here.
Helen Stein wrote of her parents and their children: "They lived
on a farm [near Perry] until October 1902. At that time they moved to a
farm at Grantville, Kansas and the last of October 1917 they moved to
North Topeka, Kansas. He died April 18, 1945 and she died
November 11, 1947 at the home in Topeka. They were the parents of the
following children:
-- Twins born December 25, 1885; the girl died January 1, 1886 and the boy,
William, never married and died December 17, 1958 at Topeka.
He is buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Perry, Kansas.

Sophia born February 26, 1888 at Perry, Kansas, married Garfield Shirley
February 12, 1913 at the home of her parents at Grantville
[a copy of
the newspaper report of the wedding is here];
moved to a farm at Thompsonville, Kansas and lived there until her
death October 19, 1936 except for two years spent in Canon City,
Colorado. She is buried in the Grantville Cemetery. They were the
parents of two daughters. [Mary and Helen] [
A collection of Shirley family photographs is here.]
born April 23, 1890 at Perry, Kansas; married Bertha Gieg September 12,
1917 at Topeka, but lived their entire married life on a farm at
Grantville, Kansas where he died November 29, 1951. He is buried at the
Rose Hill Cemetery, Newman, Kansas. They had no children.

born February 10, 1892 at Perry; married Richard T. Weidmer November
13, 1911 at Grantville where they lived until her death June 17, 1912.
She is buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Perry, Kansas.
Helen, born at Grantville, Kansas April 20, 1904;
to Topeka in October 1917 where she lives."Helen fell at her home the
evening of March 12, 1994, breaking her right shoulder. Due to
her palsy, a Hebbe trait that made eating and other tasks
difficult, as well as arthritis, osteoporosis and advanced age, she was
no longer able to live by herself. Niece Mary Shirley reported Helen's
death 3 November 1995 at a Topeka, Kansas nursing facility: "She
slipped away early Friday morning. We had graveside services on
Tuesday. She had been miserable for months and life wasn’t fun
The newspaper obituary can be seen here.
Helen Stein's letter dated April 18, 1986: "My mother’s
wedding dress was wine colored taffeta. She ripped it apart later and
made dresses for my older sisters and I remember finding a piece of the
material that I made a doll dress. The taffeta was narrow and yards
were used as her dress had a row of box pleats and a row of knife
I do not know when a sewing machine was first used,
but I do remember the oldest machine mother used before she bought the
one I still use. It had a head that was covered with a boxtype cover
and I think the name was Wheeler & Wilson. The one I use is a New
Home that was bought in 1909 or 1910 for my sister Dora who finished
taking dress making lessons and [the machine] was returned to mother
after Dora died in 1912."
(Hebbe) Starr e-mail March 2001: "One of my earliest memories of Helen
Stein and her mother, Mary Stein, was the days right after Dad's death
and they came and sort of took over the kitchen duties. I remember them
sweeping the dining room floor. After that time Helen always kept up
with us and our families. I really appreciate that. … Now
about the quilt. Yes, it is lovely and I have seldom used it and then
only as a spread to show it off. It has some age spots on it and
don’t know if a dry cleaner could get them out or not; but
didn’t dare wash it. I understood Aunt Jean to say that
Aunt Mary, Helen Stein’s mother, made it and she had made one for
each of her brothers. That was one reason Aunt Jean gave it to me, for
said it should go to Frank’s side of the family."
Mary Shirley's letter dated March 27, 2001 to Glendon Starr: "You
were correct about the quilts. Grandma, Mary Hebbe Stein, did make
quilts for all of her brothers. There was always a quilting frame set up in the sewing room upstairs.
Grandma, plus help from her sisters, Emma Hebbe Stalons and Esther
Hebbe Cavanaugh spent many, many hours visiting and quilting."
"I know Grandma had several brothers besides the two
sisters. Uncle Carl, Uncle Frank and seems like an Uncle Albert ring a
bell. But seems like I may have left out someone. Sure wish Aunt
Helen had done a family tree on paper rather than just talking about
it. Or rather, talking about them. Oh yes, Uncle Frank met Aunt Mary
during the Spanish-American War. She was a nurse."
Helen Stein letter March 14, 1986: "Emma (Hebbe) Steinke spoke no
English when they arrived in Lawrence. She wrote letters in German. My
father could read German, but my mother could not. So my father
translated Emma’s letter to my mother."
Several letters and postcards from members of the Stein family
were found in the attic of the house that once the home of William
and Mattie Hebbe.
A letter by Mary dated Oct. 25, 1898
and postmarked Perry, Kansas the next day, is addressed to Mrs Mattie
Hebbe, Potter Oklahoma. Despite Mary's dire remarks about her
health and anticipation of death, she lived another 49 years. It
seems likely she was suffering from depression if not other
ailments. The letter mentions her sisters Emma and Esther, her husband
John, and Mattie's daughter Georgia who was eleven years old at the
Perry Kans Oct. 25th 98
Dear Brother & Sister
I recived your letter and was glad to hear from you.
and I was glad to see Georgia, but I dident get to see her but an hour
or to it was late when Emma and Georgie came and they went a way early.
I think Georgie looks like she always did. She hant as large as I
thought she would be. I wanted her to stay with me any go to school but
they would not let her stay here. was sorry soon of corse Emma
had to learn the Dress making but mama would not let me learn it. when
ever I would want Emma or Esther to come down hear they would say they
could spare them but Emma can go to Okla.
Well mattie I was down to K. C. and seen Doc Minor
and he ask me how you was getting a long. I told him. Doc. Minor thinks
that he cant do any thing for me. So I am left to die or live in this
horribale way life hant worth living this way and i don't want to
live this way. I am taking medicine now from Doc. minor and tow weaks I
am to go down to K. C. and see what he can do with my case. I am sure
he will say he cant cure it. for he as good as said so when I was here
the other time.
Well Mattie I am going to make my close for wich
they can bury me in I am going to comenst next weak to make them. Well
I have had coruge but now I have give up and my life is a burden to me.
Knight after Knight I lay and cry it is hard to leave the children
but I cant stand this. you have no Idea what I have went
through with last summer and last winter all so. if it is
Gods will that I must suffer and not get well I do hope
that he will let me die before Spring as I can not and
will not live this life much more . mattie excuse such a
letter and don’t let the children see it to put any
thing on their mind for it mabe my last letter that I will right.
I do love the children so. as well as I do love miss ours
Doc Burnes got robed the other Knight they knocked him in the head and
cut a big gash in his head and took his coat and hat and watch and $8
in money. Doc was Drunk when it hapend. Madie Baines is going to get
married next wendsay. She is going to marrie a mr Jim Merman he is a
Doctor yes and by the way Esther has got a fellow coming to see her I
think Esther has for got she said she dident want any fellow
papa told John that he thought as
much of one of his children as he did of another but he
said that his advise woud be not for him to spend any
more money on me for I would not get well any how. and it
would finely break John up that is how much they
think of me. Mat don’t let this go any
forther will you Keep this for my sake, so your not the
only one. Money is Spent on for nothing. I have got so I hate
hate money. Well I must close for this or for ever with
much love from us all to you all I am as ever Mary S.
We have two letters inside one envelope, postmarked Topeka, Kans, N.
Topeka Sta. Feb 5, 1913 12 M. Addressed to W. C. Hebbe, Dover Oklahoma,
both are written on lined tablet paper.
Grantville, Kansas January 13, 1912
Wm C Hebbe
Dover Okla
Dear Brother
I will write a few lines this morning and hope that
you are feeling well we are all able to be about I was in Perry
yesterday the rent on the estate last year was $85500 tax $113. leves
$742 and we made a distribution of $800. to each. Carl will Sent you
check for Same today Tom made me a bid on the home place
yesterday of $1050000 and Said that was the best they would do, and
would I think give us until the First of march but I cant be Quite
Shure to that, but I don't think that Esther will take that for her
part and I dont think that Mary will until She hears from the others
you Ab & Frank The place is on the market at $7500 and 2 1/2
per cent of we are having fine weather
Your brother
J A Stein
Grantville Kansas Feb 4 1913
W C Hebbe
Dover Okla.
Dear Brother
Irein landed here alright this morning I was
Down to Parry last Friday and Saturday It is Something in regard
to pa's Bank Book It turned cold I dit not git Tom Carl and
Esther together but I in tend to go tomorrow but I think Tom is going
to Ship hogs to night So I will go __ht next day Carl and I where
together for two hours I think If it will go as I have planed then tom
will git the place and if not then Tom will be out of it Tom Carl
and Ab will take $1500.00 each for there Share in the home
place, Esther Mary Frank and you think that it is worth
$75.00 per acer I think you four ort to buy them out at the
$150000 I think the money could be got here on the place then
there would be no one in the way to keep it from Selling
Ike Knap bought the Green farm I think they
claim 116 acres. It was Sold for $9950.00 And Ike
Knaps automobile there is not much cash in that deal
If Tom dont buy it then he will leve the place, and
we will have to rent it to Some one And I would like to git a good
renter on it, let me hear from you Soon
Your Brother
J A Stein
This Christmas Greetings postcard from Mary
is postmarked Grantville, Kansas, Dec 24; the year is not
readable. Addressed in black ink to Mrs. Mattie Hebbe Dover
Oklahoma, it reads:
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy New year.
As ever
Mary Stein
We have two 1915 postcards from Sophia.
A card postmarked Perry, Kans Feb 12, 1915 is addressed to Miss
Irene Hebbe, Dover, Okla. Sophia signed it as "Soplina," which may have
been a pet name or perhaps a joke they shared.
Dear Cousin:
Will answer your letter soon. Sorry you have not been well hope you are better by this time. We are going to Manhattan Tuesday.
With Love Soplina
On a card postmarked Perry Kans, Dec 24, 1915 3 PM and addressed to Miss Irene Hebbe, Dover Okla:
My Dear Cousin:
I suppose you wonder why I have not written, but I have been real sick
and don't feel very good yet. I have a hired girl. How are all your
Seems like an age since I have heard from you lady don't you write.
Mrs. Shields said Tho. was going to start for Okla tomorrow. I thought you might see him. Write me a letter.
With Love, Sophia
This postcard
from Sophia, who signed it "Sofalina," still has
its translucent protective envelope. Apparently a "letter"
qualified for the postcard rate if its envelope revealed the
contents. Postmarked Perry, Kan Dec 22, 1914, it is addressed to:
Miss Irene Hebbe, Dover, Oklahoma
Dear Cousin. Did you get home all
right. Write & let me know all the news hope your mother was
not mad because you did not come home sooner. We sure have been having
some snow. If I could see you would tell you lots of things but have
not time nor space on this card.
Two years later, this Christmas postcard from Sophia postmarked Perry, Kans Dec 22, 1916 was sent to Irene:
Dear Cousin. Wish you could be with us
for Xmas. We are both well. How are you folks? We have been having some
cold weather. Wish you all a merry Xmas and happy new year.
This envelope for this letter from Garfield Shirley
is postmarked Newman, Kans. Jan 13, 1960; the stamp is a 4 cent
Lincoln stamp. It is addressed in black ink to Mrs
Irene Cline, Dover, Okla. by G. S. Shirley, Perry, Kansas.
Garfield Shirley married Irene's cousin, Sophia
Stein--the daughter of John and Mary (Hebbe) Stein--in 1913.
Perry, Kansas
Jan 12 -- 1960
Dear Irene:
I flew down to Texas and spent the holidays with
Helen and family as usually Arrived back home Friday night Jan 8
wanted to be home for the Sale up at the Stein Farm. There was Sure a
big crowd and things Sold rather high. The farm brought $54,22500 and
the perSonal property a little over $1,500 Several things sold
for more than new items. As a matter of fact the lawyer said he was
going home and call a Sale and buy new goods. The auctioneer Said he
was going to stay at the hotel for a week, So as husbands of wives, who
had bought things to high could not Call him up and give him hell for
letting their wives pay So much for things
My trip to Texas was much more pleasant than a
year ago; however it was foggy and rainy all the time I was
down there except four days. To day has been the foggest day
I believe I have seen. I am Sure glad I dont have to be out
tonight, as it would be extremely hazardous. This has
been an exceptional good year for crops, but a very poor one
for fruit, as a matter of fact there just was not any. Late
freezes got all of it At present time wheat looks, as bad as
I ever have seen it for this time of the year. I have been
told that it has no root System. that you Can pull it up
easily. The weather bureau Said we had the coldest
November ever record. No moisture until the day after Xmas.
however during the year the rain were Sufficent for good
crops. In this immediate vacinity we never had more than 1 inch
rain of any one time, while at Topeka and Simular distances, they might have 4 or 5 inches, or in other words a gully washers.
In regards the pecan tree they are slow growers, and
you get the impression that they are about to die, but that is the
nature of them. Take trees like the one I Sent you they have been
pruned So Severely, that look like they are about to die. I have
fourteen and they all look like yours; however in disking around mine I
hit one with the disk and peeled the bark and it is sprouting up below
the graph. I have planted Several nut and they have long limbs
which bend toward the ground.
In regards to my health, I believe that I am feeling
better than I have for several years. However, when I exert a little I
get short of breath, but nothing like I did a year ago. I weigh 170 lb.
while before I had my sick spell I weigh 198 lb.
I have just heard the weather man say the
temperature is 67 in Topeka, which is a record breaker. I should go to
a funeral at Topeka this after noon, but it looks so rainy that I am
not going. The body is being brought from Kansas City with grave side
Services only.
You are certainly a good trapper, but then with all
vermin you mention your place must be over run with them. When my Sweet
Corn started to get ready to use the Coons took over I began to set
traps, and caught fie and one of my best Cats, I use to be a
professional coyote & fox trapper but am to old to continue in the
profession. Dr orders for me is long stockings that come almost to
hips, with a garter belt to hold them up. I told the Dr just get me a
bra & a dress and I would go as a woman, I'll close for this time
before I shock you. The stockings are for varicose veins.
We have two postcards from the eight-year-old Helen to her cousin Delma:
Postmarked Grantville, Kansas, Sep. 5, 1912; addressed to Miss Delma Hebbe, Dover, Okla. o/o Will Hebbe:
Sept. 5 -- 1912
Dear Delma
How are you? We are all fine. When are you comeing up
and see me? my school began a week from mon. when
dose your school began.
from Helen Stein
Postmarked Grantville Kansas, Nov 14 1912; addressed to: Miss Delma Hebbe, Dover, Okla o/o Will Hebbe:
Nov. 1 - 1912
Dear Couin -- I will try and write you
a card. How are you all. I am fine. Have you been going
to school now. I am going to school. When are you come-ing up
and see me?