Esther L. Hebbe

The Children of Christoph and Sophia Hebbe:

Esther L.

Esther L. Hebbe was born 7 August 1869 near Perry, Kansas [mm] , and  died 3 May 1940 at Oskaloosa, Jefferson County, Kansas. She is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, near Perry. Her first marriage was 30 March 1892 to A. A. Benson, who died before 1898 in Kansas. They were married by a Church of Christ minister at her parents’ home.  [Jefferson County Marriage Book F, page 138]  She married Joseph Cavanaugh on 14 February 1900 at Perry; a Rev. Estep officiating. [Marriage Book G page 121]
Helen Stein wrote of her:

She and Joseph lived at Perry, Topeka and Oskaloosa, Kansas, where she died in May 1940.  She is buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Perry, Kansas. They were the parents of the following children:
-- Joseph Christopher born January 6, 1901 at Perry; died at Oskaloosa, Kansas December 1959; he is buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Perry, Kansas.  He married Elva Davies in 1921; later divorced and married Olga Everett. He and Elva were parents of two daughters.  [Helen and Norma]
-- Mary Cavanagh born at Perry, Kansas June 9, 1903. Married Chester Woods at Topeka and were the parents of one son, Lawrence, born November 18, 1925 at Topeka and who lives at Morrow, Ohio.  She divorced Woods and married I. Newton Chandler at Topeka; they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio and now live at Loveland, Ohio.
-- Arthur born at Perry, Kansas, February 1908?  He was killed in a car accident at Perry in August 1930.  He is buried in the Oak Ridge Cemetery, Perry.

Norman Jean and Helen and kinGlendon (Hebbe) Starr wrote in March 2001:

Did Jerry tell you about the ones that came down (from some state up north) to visit with Aunt Jean and Aunt Irene had me come and drive us both up there to see them while they were here?  Irene hadn’t seen them in years and we really did hit right off, took a lot of pictures, etc. and vowed to keep in touch.  I don’t think I ever heard from them, but maybe Aunt Irene did. I haven’t got around to looking for the pictures … The ladies were not sisters, but cousins, and just got together and decided to drive down.

Mary Shirley, March 27, 2001:

The visitors you spoke of was probably Mary Cavanaugh from Ohio and her two daughters, Norma Jean and Helen. Mary also had a son Mike.

This interesting 1894 letter was found inside an envelope addressed to Mrs Mattie Hebbe (Jeff Co.) Perry Kansas and stamped with five red 2-cent stamps which were hand-cancelled with an "X" marked across the top of each stamp. "Potter O 3/'97" and "12/12" are written by hand along the left hand side. However, the letter is dated earlier than the postmark date, so at some later time it must have been inserted in the wrong envelope. The letter was written by Esther (Hebbe) Benson, sister of W. C. Hebbe.  “Uncle Willard” is W. C.'s wife Mattie (Potter) Hebbe’s maternal uncle, Willard Womach.  “Liza” is Mattie’s sister, Mary Elizabeth “Lida” Potter.  “Ollie” is Mattie’s brother. "Mat" appears to refer in some cases to a man (Matthew?) living near Perry, but the term may also have been used to refer to Mattie.

Perry Kans
March 23rd 1894

Dear Brother--
I will reply to yours of the 20th the folks are all well at present that is here at home. I havent heard from Carl for some time but was well the last I heard from him. In regards to Frank I suppose Mat. has you better posted than we are. All I know is that Mr. May wanted him to marry his daughter & he refused, he took the pony & went to Perry and took the train, but the Potter out fit, including Uncle Wilard seems-to-know more than we do, for Mat. has been around & told that he went to Williams town - to - take train, for Uncle Willard seen the pony there & then the old man went down & got it  If they would tell the truth  yet, & all that hear there story will tell you the same as I do, that they told nothing but a lie.  we have heard nothing of him since he left. Mat was here the other day & wanted to know if Pa would take your cows he wont for they all roughish he had to pay 5.00 last year to Dushazen. he said he would pasture the colt.

Father will send check for $175.00 & note which you can sign & return, & told me to tell you that after this you need not look for any more, for he needs what he has got, he has two hands to pay every month. Father said if you could clear $50. a month on your trade which Mat. told her, you had better let farming alone. You can buy your claim & hire the work the done or rent it & make more, of course the land will increase in value in time.

Mary is intending to come home to-day but I don't know for how long she was some better the last I heard  I don't know what Carl intends to do he is at St. Marys yet  Father said the wheat looks well on the place. they will finish sowing oats to day. havent planted any potatoes yet. have 9 chickens & cabbage, lettuce & tomatoes coming up. Father heard that you had to - haul lumber for Liza. the best advice he can give you is to let Liza tend to her own business & if it her claim that you have in view you had better give it up, the farther you get from that place the better off you would be.  they were surprised to think that you would write as they thought you thought them unworthy of even the words good bye. It hurt Mother she said that she dident think that they ever deserved it. & she would not forget it as long as she lived. You be careful now when you buy & not get a claim with a contest & loose what little you have. & try & get your money from Ollie, they are always at hand for to get something but not when they owe, if he wanted to pay very bad he would go & work but the lazy thing lays in town, what you get this time don’t give to Potters for you need it your selfe.
        Your Sister        Esther Benson

A letter from Joe Cavanaugh  to Mattie Hebbe expressed sympathy regarding Will's death:

Oskaloosa Kans
Sept 18 th  41

Dear Sister & Family

    I Rec a card from Emma yeasterday telling me that Will had passed away I am so Sorry & you Have my Simphony There is only one that Can give you Real Comfort and that is God  It dosnt seem only a short time Sence you was Here & Will & you looked so well & I thought that you would be for many years to come but we Know that sooner or later it will come to all of us. and our dear loved ones that Has passed away would want us to go ahead  it will be Hard and Lonesome for us but we Know that our Dear ones are waiting for us. and it wont be long till we meet them again  I Had a letter from  Frank last week & He said that May Had Just told Him that will was Serious Ill. will close with Love

Brother Joe
Joe Cavanagh  Oskaloosa  Kans