Albert Julius Hebbe

The Children of Christoph and Sophia Hebbe:

Albert Julius

Albert Julius was born 27 July 1867 near Perry, Kansas, and died May “about” 1943 at Tonkawa, Oklahoma. He and Alice May Roberts married 21 February 1889 in Jefferson Co., Kansas. [Jefferson County Kansas Marriage Book E, page 418]. They were married by Rev. Atkinson.

Helen Stein wrote of him:  "They moved to Oklahoma about the same time the William Hebbes moved there. They were the parents of two daughters:
Ortie Hebbe Decker, born at Perry, Kansas January 6, about 1890 and who died August 18, 1970 at Tonkawa, Oklahoma and is buried there. 
Hazel Hebbe died as a young girl, probably ten years old."

From Helen Stein's letter of August 22, 1992:  "My grandparents did not have the money to start their sons out in business, so Will and Albert took advantage of the Opening of the Okla. Strip and each settled in a homestead in that state. Will near what is now Dover and Albert in Tonkawa. Frank joined the army.  Albert and Mae [sic] had two daughters, Hazel who died young and Ortie who later married, but no children. Albert and Mae are buried in cemetery at Tonkawa, but no markers as they, at least Mae and Ortie, [thought] it was better to give that money to missions. Frank is also buried in Tonkawa cemetery."

The younger daughter of  Albert "Ab" Hebbe wrote to her cousin Irene (daughter of William C. Hebbe) to express sympathy on the death of Irene's sister Delma from diabetes. Postmarked Tonkawa, Okla, the return address is Ortie Hebbe, Tonkawa, Okla. and the adressee is Miss Irene Hebbe, Dover, Okla. The letter is written in pencil on pre-folded unlined stationery.

Tonkawa, Okla.
Dec. 9, 1919

Dear Irene --

I can't begin to tell you how grieved we were to hear of Delma's death. We wanted to come to you all and try to comfort you for we know just how heart-broken you all felt as we have had our sorrow too. And we had made arrangements to come but Papa got the asthma along in the night and we could not. The train service has been very poor as you all know and it was impossible for us to make the trip in the car as the roads are practically impassible.

But we did ask our Heavenly Father to comfort you and strengthen your hearts in your great sorrow and I'm sure He did not fail you. You will all miss Delma so -- we know and youwill be so very lonely for her many times -- all the time at first but after while you will come to know that there are many heartaches and cares and troubles that she has been mercifully spared.

We are only human & we cannot help but grieve yet if we analize our grief it is mostly selfish. When we miss our loved ones and sometimes almost want them back -- it is usually for our own selfish reasons. They are where no thing that can hurt them or worry them or wrong them can ever enter -- and the dear Heavenly Father himself will make them happy and love them.

It is very cold here today. The gas has been low and we have been afraid that it would go off but it has not yet. We would be glad to have any or all of you folks make us a visit any time.

        With love to all from all,
        Ortie Hebbe

A get-well card postmarked Sept. 12, 1941 was sent by May (Roberts) Hebbe to her brother in law William. It is addressed to Mr. and Mrs William Hebbe, Dover, Oklahoma and the return address reads 102 S. Public  St., Tonkawa, Okla. There is a purple 3-cent "For Defense" stamp. The mention of "Lida"  refers to Lida (Potter) Buzzard, Mattie’s sister.

Dear Mattie and all.
-- We were so very Sorry to hear about dear Wills sickness. but So glad to learn that he is better; it was kind of Lida to let us know. We let Frank Know about it. We could not come to you as Albert has been having a very Severe attac of asthma he got his feet wet and did not tell us. and went down town all afternoon Monday. that night time he was so he could scarcely breathe  Ortie took him to the doctor tuesday morning and he gave him Something to relieve him temporarily. and he has had a bad time but to day Friday he is down town again but not well enough. we have been expecting you over for Some time. we have not heard frm Kans for a long time. the said Caril came to Kansas the first of July but we have not Seen him or heard from him hope he comes to See us all Soon  Now we do hope & pray for good news from you all
    love and best wishes to all from
        Ab, May, Ortie